
Python Library for interfacing into Tenable's platform APIs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to pyTenable's documentation!

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pyTenable is intended to be a pythonic interface into the Tenable application APIs. Further by providing a common interface and a common structure between all of the various applications, we can ease the transition from the vastly different APIs between some of the products.


To install the most recent published version to pypi, its simply a matter of installing via pip:

pip install pytenable

If you're looking for bleeding-edge, then feel free to install directly from the github repository like so:

pip install git+git://github.com/tenable/pytenable.git#egg=pytenable

Getting Started

Lets assume that we want to get the list of scans that have been run on our Tenable.io application. Performing this action is as simple as the following:

from tenable.io import TenableIO
for scan in tio.scans.list():
   print('{status}: {id}/{uuid} - {name}'.format(**scan))

Getting started with Tenable.sc is equally as easy:

from tenable.sc import TenableSC
for vuln in sc.analysis.vulns():

For more detailed information on whats available, please refer to the pyTenable Documentation


Enabling logging for pyTenable is a simple matter of enabling debug logs through the python logging package. An easy example is detailed here:

import logging


The project is licensed under the MIT license.