
Fast Pixelflut server written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust


breakwater is a very fast Pixelflut server written in Rust. It is heavily inspired by Shoreline.

It claims to be the fastest Pixelflut server in existence - at least at the time of writing 02/2022. breakwater logo


  1. Accepts Pixelflut commands
  2. Can provide a VNC server so that everybody can watch
  3. As an alternative it can stream to a RTMP sink, so that you can e.g. directly live-stream into Twitch or YouTube
  4. Exposes Prometheus metrics
  5. IPv6 and legacy IP support

Available Pixelflut commands

Commands must be sent newline-separated, for more details see Pixelflut

  • HELP: Prints a help text with the available commands.
  • PX x y rrggbb: PX x y rrggbb: Color the pixel (x,y) with the given hexadecimal color rrggbb, e.g. PX 10 10 ff0000
  • PX x y rrggbbaa: Color the pixel (x,y) with the given hexadecimal color rrggbb (alpha channel is ignored for now), e.g. PX 10 10 ff0000ff
  • PX x y gg: Color the pixel (x,y) with the hexadecimal color gggggg. Basically this is the same as the other commands, but is a more efficient way of filling white, black or gray areas, e.g. PX 10 10 00 to paint black
  • PX x y: Get the color value of the pixel (x,y), e.g. PX 10 10
  • SIZE: Get the size of the drawing surface, e.g. SIZE 1920 1080
  • OFFSET x y: Apply offset (x,y) to all further pixel draws on this connection. This can e.g. be used to pre-calculate an image/animation and simply use the OFFSET command to move it around the screen without the need to re-calculate it, e.g. OFFSET 100 100


The easiest way is to continue with the provided Ready to use Docker setup below.

If you prefer the manual way (the best performance) you need to have Rust installed. You may need to install some additional packages with sudo apt install pkg-config libvncserver-dev Then you can directly run the server with

cargo run --release

The default settings should provide you with a ready-to-use server.

Port Description
1234 Pixelflut server
5900 VNC server
9100 Prometheus metrics exporter

The get a list of options try

cargo run --release -- --help
cargo run --release -- --help
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.04s
     Running `target/release/breakwater --help`
Usage: breakwater [OPTIONS]

  -l, --listen-address <LISTEN_ADDRESS>
          Listen address to bind to. The default value will listen on all interfaces for IPv4 and IPv6 packets [default: [::]:1234]
      --width <WIDTH>
          Width of the drawing surface [default: 1280]
      --height <HEIGHT>
          Height of the drawing surface [default: 720]
  -f, --fps <FPS>
          Frames per second the server should aim for [default: 30]
  -t, --text <TEXT>
          Text to display on the screen. The text will be followed by "on <listen_address>" [default: "Pixelflut server (breakwater)"]
      --font <FONT>
          The font used to render the text on the screen. Should be a ttf file. If you use the default value a copy that ships with breakwater will be used - no need to download and provide the font [default: Arial.ttf]
  -p, --prometheus-listen-address <PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_ADDRESS>
          Listen address the prometheus exporter should listen on [default: [::]:9100]
      --statistics-save-file <STATISTICS_SAVE_FILE>
          Save file where statistics are periodically saved. The save file will be read during startup and statistics are restored. To reset the statistics simply remove the file [default: statistics.json]
      --statistics-save-interval-s <STATISTICS_SAVE_INTERVAL_S>
          Interval (in seconds) in which the statistics save file should be updated [default: 10]
          Disable periodical saving of statistics into save file
      --rtmp-address <RTMP_ADDRESS>
          Enable rtmp streaming to configured address, e.g. `rtmp://`
      --video-save-folder <VIDEO_SAVE_FOLDER>
          Enable dump of video stream into file. File location will be `<VIDEO_SAVE_FOLDER>/pixelflut_dump_{timestamp}.mp4
  -v, --vnc-port <VNC_PORT>
          Port of the VNC server [default: 5900]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

You can also build the binary with cargo build --release. The binary will be placed at target/release/breakwater.

Compile time features

Breakwater also has some compile-time features for performance reasons. You can get the list of available features by looking at the Cargo.toml. As of writing the following features are supported

  • vnc (enabled by default): Starts a VNC server, where users can connect to. Needs libvncserver-dev to be installed. Please note that the VNC server offers basically no latency, but consumes quite some CPU.
  • alpha (disabled by default): Respect alpha values during PX commands. Disabled by default as this can cause performance degradation.

To e.g. turn the VNS server off, build with

cargo run --release --no-default-features # --features alpha,vnc to explicitly enable

Usage of SIMD and nightly Rust

Fabian Wunsch has introduced initial support for SIMD when parsing the hexadecimal color values in #5. Thanks! We might be able to extend the support, parsing the decimal coordinates or blending colors using alpha using SIMD would be awesome as well. PRs welcome!

As portable_simd is a unstable feature, we configured this project to use nightly Rust in rust-toolchain.toml. Once the feature is stable we can switch back to stable Rust.

If the SIMD or nightly part causes any problems on your setup please reach out by creating an Issue!

Run in docker container

This command will start the Pixelflut server in a docker container

docker run --rm --init -t -p 1234:1234 -p 5900:5900 -p 9100:9100 sbernauer/breakwater # --help

If you want to permanently save statistics (to keep them between restarts) you can use the following command:

mkdir -p pixelflut && docker run --rm -u 1000:1000 --init -t -p 1234:1234 -p 5900:5900 -p 9100:9100 -v "$(pwd)/pixelflut:/pixelflut" sbernauer/breakwater --statistics-save-file /pixelflut/statistics.json

Ready to use Docker compose setup

The ready to use Docker compose setup contains the Pixelflut server, a prometheus server and a Grafana for monitoring. Use the following command to start the whole setup

docker-compose up

You should now have access to the following services

Port Description
1234 Pixelflut server
5900 VNC server
9100 Prometheus metrics exporter
9090 Prometheus server
80 Grafana

If you visit the Grafana server (user=admin, password=admin) you will have access to dashboards like the dashboard below. Grafana screenshot


⚠️ The figures below are outdated. The performance of breakwater has increased significant in the meantime. I sadly don't have access to the server any more to run the benchmarks - happy about any figures for a beefy system. At GPN 21 we were able to reach 80 Gbit/s (40 via network and 40 via loopback) on a 20 core/40 thread system while serving > 500 connections :)


My Laptop has a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz (6 Cores/12 Threads) and 2 DDR4 RAM modules with 16 GB each and 2667 MT/s. The Pixelflut-server and Pixelflut-client Sturmflut both run on my Laptop using 24 connections. These are the results of different Pixelflut servers:

Server Language Traffic during first 30s When thermal throttling
Pixelnuke C 1.1 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s
Pixelwar Java 2.1 Gbit/s 1.6 Gbit/s
pixelpwnr-server Rust 6.3 Gbit/s 4.6 Gbit/s
Shoreline C 15 Gbit/s 12 Gbit/s
Breakwater Rust 30 Gbit/s 22 Gbit/s


The server has two Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v2 @ 2.20GHz processors with 10 cores / 20 threads each. Another server was used as a Pixelflut-client Sturmflut. The servers were connected with two 40G and one 10G links, through which traffic was generated.

Server Language Sustainable traffic
Shoreline C 34 Gbit/s
Breakwater Rust 52 Gbit/s