Gesture-based control of a projector screen using Python


  • Make the overlay window work in its own thread non-blocking so that inputs from the camera get processed even when the overlay window is rendering
  • refractor so that it actually ues the new cool wonderful amazing reworked (I'm excited!)
  • TEST Make a more robust overlay window for rendering the User actions
  • TEST Make sure the overlay circles aren't shown when the hands are ouside of the screen
  • Make sure overlaywindow never "blacks out" (low priority)
  • Implement a presentation mode
  • For presenation mode it might make sense to use selenium, or to get it going with simulating "next" and "previous" buttons usually used for music control
  • Make sure whole application closes when Overlaywindow gets closed by User
  • Remove pygame welcome message
  • make sure the Oherlay makes its first call for tranparency during init, so that it's ready when we enter main loop and does not need to be created only then
  • Update the to something actually useful