Exercise: Tool Shop Management with Command Pattern


Create a command-line tool shop management program using the Command Pattern.
The program should allow users to add items to the warehouse, sell items, and print out a history of transactions.


The Data does not need to be stored on the hard drive. You can keep it all in memory. But make sure the program runs in a loop to not lose your data between commands.

  1. Tool Management:

    • The shop manages three types of items: Hammers, Saws, and Pincers.
    • Each type of item has a stack representing the quantity in the warehouse.
    • Selling an item reduces the stack and increases the money in the bank by specific amounts:
      • Hammer: 10€
      • Saw: 20€
      • Pincer: 8€
  2. Commands:

    • Implement commands to add items, sell items, and print the transaction history.
    • Use the Command Pattern to encapsulate requests as objects.
  3. Bonus:

    • Print out all previous transactions (adding items, removing items, and adding money).


  1. Define Command Interface:

    • Create a Command interface with an execute method.
  2. Implement Concrete Commands:

    • AddItemCommand: Adds items to the warehouse.
    • SellItemCommand: Sells items from the warehouse and adds money to the bank.
    • PrintTransactionHistoryCommand: Prints the transaction history.
  3. Tool Shop:

    • Create a ToolShop class to manage the inventory and bank.
    • Implement methods to add items, sell items, and record transactions.
  4. Transaction History:

    • Maintain a list to store transaction history.
  5. Main Program:

    • Implement a loop to handle user input and execute commands.


Please make sure to ...

  • not sell items when the stock is at 0
  • give error message to the user when enters wrong input
  • give success messages