Reading from an Excel File

Use the file under data/example.xsls

It looks something like this:

Title Author Pages
Some book Some author 100

Task 1

Open and read the xsls file as a XSSFWorkbook. Print out each book's name and author on the command line.

Task 2

Create a Java Class Book with the fields title, author and pages. Collect the data of all books in an Array of Books. Then filter the array and only print out all books with more than 500 Pages in the form of: Title (Pages) e.g. "Some book (100)"

Task 3

Calculate the sum of all pages and print it to the command line

Task 4: Extra

Write new books into the file. Check out if you find some interesting Java books and add some to the file with your code. ! Attention: Make sure, that a book is not added twice, when you start the program again.