
A repository containing all files for the course project of Getting and Cleaning Data (part of the Data Science specialization on Coursera).

Primary LanguageR

Course Project - Getting and Cleaning Data

A repository containing all files for the course project of Getting and Cleaning Data (3rd part of the Data Science specialization on Coursera).


  • README.md: this general description
  • codebook.md: documentation of all variables in the output
  • run_analysis.R: R script that processes the Samsung data set
  • fuci2.txt: resulting tidy data set from running run_analysis.R

Analysis Documentation

This section describes the steps performed in run_analysis.R.

  1. Download & Extract Data

This section is optional and includes the steps to download and unzip the Samsung data into the sub directory data.

  1. Read Data Into R data.tables

This section assumes that the Samsung data set is in the sub directory data of the working directory and loads the following fragments:

  • activity_names: name of the six activities from UCI HAR Dataset/activity_labels.txt

  • header_names: original variable names from UCI HAR Dataset/features.txt

  • test data set

    • test_subject: identification of each subject for each observation in the test data set from UCI HAR Dataset/test/subject_test.txt

    • test_data: actual data from UCI HAR Dataset/test/X_test.txt

    • test_activity: identification of the activity for each observation in the test data set from UCI HAR Dataset/test/y_test.txt

  • trainig data set

    • train_subject: identification of each subject for each observation in the training data set from UCI HAR Dataset/test/subject_train.txt

    • train_data: actual data from UCI HAR Dataset/train/X_train.txt

    • train_activity: identification of the activity for each observation in the training data set from UCI HAR Dataset/train/y_train.txt

  1. Task 1: merges the training and the test sets to create one data set

A complete set consits of subject id, activity number, and actual data. Those three items are combined with cbind and afterwards the complete test and training set are merged with rbind.

  1. Task 4: appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names

Task 4 is moved right after task 1 to have header names available for filtering the columns in task 2. Here is a short description of the used column names (for a detailed description look at the codebook):

1. subject: unique id for each of the 30 subjects

2. activity: identifies on of the six activities

3. all following columns: data as provided in the original data using the
   header names as provided in _features.txt_ but reformatted in the following

     * any special characters <code>-()</code>   are removed

     * "mean" is replaced by "Mean"

     * "std" for standard deviation is replaced by "Sd" (following the R
  1. Task 2: extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement

Since column names are already available we can extract now the relevant columns by subsetting the data frame using string comparison:

  • filter for mean and standard deviation

  • and include the activity and subject columns

  1. Task 3: uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set

This is simply done by replacing the activity ids with the actual names provided in activity_lables.txt using factor.

  1. Task 5: writes tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity & subject

The package dplyr provides here an elegant way to group the data set by subject and activity and calculate then mean and standard deviation. Since the instructions state that the tidy data set can be either in wide or long form and dplyr already provides everything in a wide form the output is directly written with write.table.

(Note: I have read the forum posts arguing why the long form is better but converting the result in an additional step does not add any value in my opinion - I hope you agree :-) )