# Cirql Protocol

Cirql Protocol is a decentralized finance (DeFi) project designed to optimize yield-bearing strategies through innovative ERC-4626 vaults, smart credit delegation, and seamless integration with the GHO stablecoin. This README provides an overview of the project, its features, and instructions on how to get started.

## Features

- **ERC-4626 Vaults:** Participate in optimized yield-bearing strategies by funding ERC-4626 vaults.
- **Credit Delegation:** Securely delegate borrowing power to other users via on-chain smart contracts.
- **GHO Stablecoin Integration:** Utilize the ERC-4626 wrapper for GHO stablecoin borrowing, ensuring efficient lending strategies.
- **Community Engagement:** Actively participate in governance decisions and contribute to the evolving ecosystem.

## Getting Started

1. **Clone the Repository:**
   git clone https://github.com/your-username/cirql-protocol.git
   cd cirql-protocol
  1. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Deploy Smart Contracts: Use tools like Truffle or Hardhat to deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

  3. Explore the Documentation: Refer to the detailed technical paper and smart contracts documentation for in-depth information on the project's architecture and usage.

  4. Community Support: Join our community forums and social media channels to engage with other users, provide feedback, and stay updated on project developments.

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions from the community. If you find issues, have enhancement suggestions, or want to contribute code, please follow our Contribution Guidelines.


Security is our top priority. If you discover any vulnerabilities or potential threats, please responsibly disclose them by reaching out to our security team at security@cirqlprotocol.com.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Cirql Protocol - Empowering Decentralized Finance

This README template provides a basic structure with sections for features, getting started instructions, contribution guidelines, security information, and licensing details. Adjust the content based on the specific details of your Cirql Protocol project.