
A sentient engineer who loves technology, Halo games and the star-wars franchise - prequels too


Versatile Entrepreneur/Engineer with an extensive background in building scalable SaaS products & the web3 space. Proficient in multiple programming languages & frameworks, while leading & collaborating with diverse teams. Specialised in architecting scalable microservices & blockchain aggregators. Streamlining product development, marketing, partnerships, delivery & scaling at BlitzCraft. Committed to driving innovation & growth in web3.

Currently listening to 🎧️

Javascript Typescript Assemblyscript Python Php CSharp c dart solidity Java HTML5 CSS3 Git Shell Web3 VS Code React Next.js Node.JS Express.JS Flask ASP.NET Amazon AWS GitHub Actions GitLab Bootstrap MaterialUI BulmaCSS Tailwind Graphql MongoDB HarperDB MySQL PostgreSQL SQLServer Postman Cloudflare cPanel nginx npm linux ifttt stripe razorpay heroku vercel selenium supabase firebase arduino figma illustrator photoshop sketchup blender Unity

Know More ⚡️

Over the years I've built many apps and have had the opportunity to work on a lot of projects.
Check out my complete portfolio at fabianferno.com

Reach out 🤞
I like connecting with people. So I'm all ears for anything you'd like to say to me.
Write to me at hello@fabianferno.com
Crypto at fabianferno.eth 🦝