main workflow codecov GitHub last commit

Code Coverage Example Directory

Please check out the info on HedgeDoc:

We will first explain on how tu use this repo locally and outline the autmatization that runs entirely on GitHub servers.

Directory structure

  • /lib contains the module
  • /t contains the test
  • .github/workflow contains the yaml file for the workflow

How to run the test suite locally in 3 Steps

  1. Clone the repository to your machine
  2. Pull and run the docker-container to build the project
docker run -it --rm --name coverage-example  -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` eltenedor/coverage-perl:latest perl Build.PL
  1. Run cover in order to produce the coverage summary
docker run -it --rm --name coverage-example  -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` eltenedor/coverage-perl:latest cover -test

If everything runs fine, you should get the output message:

HTML output written to /your-working-directory/coverage/cover_db/coverage.html

You can take a look at the output by opening the file cover_db/coverage.html


How this Repository Works

This GitHub repository is using GitHub actions in order to mimic the above procedure in order to

  • run the tests automatically on each push
  • save the coverage report as an artifact on GitHub
  • push the coverage report to the service codecov in order to
    • to make the report accessible without downloading the arfifact
    • generate a Badge for the repository, with the overall coverage.


You can either start from a fork or copy the necessary files in order to have a basic structure for the tests to run. Now, head over to and login via GitHub, connect the repo and look for the Repository Upload Token in the Settings section. Save this token to your repositorys Secrets on GitHub.

In case of the repository coverage in the namespace eltenedor the token is to be found at


Copy the token and head over to your repository Secrets, in the case of this repository one would visit

and add a New Repository secret


Name the secret CODECOV_TOKEN and copy+paste the token from


Finish by clicking on Add secret. Your newly added secret should now show up on the secrets page of your repo:


Defining the GitHub Action

The workflow is specified by the file .github/workflows/main.yml which can be defided into multiple sections.


Here, we specify a name for the workflow and on which ocasions it should respond to a trigger event:

name: Unit Tests

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

In this case, the action runs only on the main branch when someone pushes to it or makes a pull_request.


Specify the Docker image eltenedor/coverage-perl:latest

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: eltenedor/coverage-perl:latest

Runs the different steps:

Build the project, run the test

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Build project and run tests
        run: |
          perl Build.PL 
          cover -test

Push the coverage report to codecov

This step uses products from the previous steps, namely the cover_db folder. The token stems from the the codecov app that has been linked to the repository and saved to the repository secrets.

      - name: push coverage analysis
          CODECOV_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
        run: cover -report codecov

Inspecting the Action

  • Got to the actions tab on the repository main page.
  • Choose one of the workflow runs.
  • Explore the output of the job coverage or donwload the artifacts.


The badges are (dynamic) .svg-files that can be put on any webpage and that may change their look depending on further parameters. For example, this is the badge to output whether the tests went through without any problems.

![main workflow](

For the coverage badge, head over to your codecov page and retrieve it from there:


Further Links and References