
Brand Alp

Primary LanguageTwig

HI Schweiz AG - Base Workspace

Set up an initial project

  1. git clone git@bitbucket.org:hi-schweiz/hi-base-vite-v2.0.git <projectname> Clone the 'hi-base' into a new folder
  2. cd <projectname> change into directory
  3. rm -rf .git Remove hi-base .git folder and init new git repo with git init
  4. composer config platform.php 8.0.2 -d backend/craft Update PHP version in composer.json to «8.0»
  5. composer install -d backend/craft Install and composer packages
  6. Create a host with MAMP Pro (local.<projectname>). Document root is <projectname>/backend/craft/web
  7. Create a database with Sequel Pro on HI-Server
  8. Create .env file with cp backend/craft/.env.example backend/craft/.env
  9. Setup Craft CMS with the db creds from HI-Server in CLI: bwckend/craft/craft setup. If setup fails start the installation with local.<projectname>/index.php?p=admin/install afterwards (Site language = de / de-CH). When setting up craft in the browser, the PRIMARY_SITE_URL and the DEV_SERVER needs to be set in the .env file.
  10. composer update -d backend/craft Update composer packages
  11. Check if the @primarySiteUrl is set in the sites settings (Settings -> Websites)
  12. Check if all plugins in the Craft dashboard (Settings -> Plug-ins) are installed and activated
  13. cd frontend Go to frontend directory
  14. yarn install Install dependencies
  15. yarn watch or yarn dev to start coding after you initiated the continuous build process

Setup (existing project)

  1. git clone Clone the project repo
  2. cd <projectname> change into directory
  3. composer install -d backend/craft Install composer packages
  4. Create a host with MAMP Pro (local.<projectname>). Document root is <projectname>/backend/craft/web
    • Setup Craft CMS with the db creds from HI-Server in CLI: backend/craft/craft setup or create the .env file by hand and start the installation afterwards (Site language = de)
    • Setup Craft CMS with the db creds from HI-Server in a browser: local.<projectname>/index.php?p=admin/install
  5. composer config platform.php 8.0 -d backend/craft Update PHP version in composer.json to «8.0»
  6. Follow initial setup steps 11. – 14.

How to install a new vendor package (using the example of jQuery)

  1. Add jQuery to the frontend folder with yarn add jquery (package gets downloaded to node_modules)
  2. Import jQuery in the respective module and set "$" to belong to the window object: import * as $ from 'jquery'
  3. You can now use jQuery syntax in this module 🎉 (import jQuery in every module where you need it).

Possible CLI commands in 'frontend'

  • yarn setup -> Installs SASS, Yarn and Gulp
  • yarn update -> Updates Brew, Yarn SASS and all package dependencies to the latest version
  • yarn install -> Installs all package dependencies defined in package.json
  • yarn clean -> Removes the dist folder
  • yarn dev -> Starts the watch process
  • yarn build -> Makes a production / staging ready build. Make this before every deploy

Possible CLI commands in 'backend'

Replace <environment> with staging or production

  • cap <environment> deploy -> deploys latest repository to remote, installs craft and changes .env-file
  • cap <environment> deploy:rollback ROLLBACK_RELEASE=<RELEASEDATETIME> -> deploys an older commit to remote, installs craft and changes .env-file
  • cap <environment> db:push -> pushes db from local to remote
  • cap <environment> db:pull -> pulls db from remote to local
  • cap <environment> db:backup -> saves a backup from server to local db_backups-folder
  • cap <environment> craft:sync_media_l2r -> sync media folder from local to remote
  • cap <environment> craft:sync_media_r2l -> sync media folder from remote to local
  • cap <environment> craft:push -> db:push + craft:sync_media_l2r
  • cap <environment> craft:pull -> db:pull + craft:sync_media_r2l
  • cap <environment> revisions:show_current -> shows currently live release
  • cap <environment> revisions:show_all -> shows all released commits on server



Local machines public SSH key is added to Bitbucket Profile

  1. pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub Copy your public SSH key to the clipboard
  2. On Bitbucket click on Avatar on the lower left -> Bitbucket settings -> SSH keys -> Add key -> paste

Capistrano is installed locally

  1. gem install capistrano

rsync is on version 3

  1. brew install rsync to install newest rsync version with Homebrew
  2. Sign out and back in to MacOS
  3. rsync --version see if version is above 3.1

Deploy a project from local machine to server

  1. Create a new account on Cyon Agencyserver with the HI Space Light package. Use main domain name and let 1Password generate a password.
  2. Change to the newly created account and save username, server (vsa-nyzida.cyon.net) and password as a «Server» to 1Password.
  3. Create databases <projectname>_staging and <projectname>_production on my.cyon.ch (save server/user/password infos to 1Password)
  4. Point domain to production/backend/craft/web
  5. Create subdomain staging.* and point it to staging/backend/craft/web
  6. Create new domain (not a subdomain) <projectname>.hi-lab.ch and add it to the staging.* subdomain
  7. Change PHP Settings: Allow proc_open and proc_close and set max_execution_time to 120
  8. Copy example stages with cp backend/cap/deploy/example.staging.rb backend/cap/deploy/staging.rb && cp backend/cap/deploy/example.production.rb backend/cap/deploy/production.rb
  9. Copy deploy.rb with cp backend/cap/example.deploy.rb backend/cap/deploy.rb
  10. Set variables in backend/cap/deploy.rb
  11. Set variables in deploy/staging.rb and deploy/production.rb
  12. ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 <xyz>@vsa-nyzida.cyon.net copy my local ssh key to server
  13. Make sure to have set the correct php version in the cyon PHP Versions and CMD
  14. Make a production build in the frontend directory with yarn build and commit it to the repo
  15. cd backend Go to backend directory
  16. cap staging deploy Deploy the current repository to the staging server
  17. cap staging craft:push Push the local database and media folder to staging server


  • Add Cron Job like this: 59 23 * * 0 wget https://www.domain.ch/enupal-backup/schedule?key= -O /dev/null (Every Sunday)

Coding standards

Please consult the HI Code Guideline .

Project Checklist


  • ☑ This is an already checked todolist item for copy paste purpose
  • ☐ Check content (spelling, contact details, years, etc.)
  • ☐ Favicons are stored and displayed correctly (realfavicongenerator.net)
  • ☐ 404-Page available
  • ☐ All links work (W3C Link Checker)
  • ☐ Delete test content and placeholders
  • ☐ Forms are sent correctly
  • ☐ HI Schweiz and involved parties are mentioned in the imprint (Impressum)
  • ☐ Privacy policy (Datenschutzerklärung) available

Markup & Rendering

  • ☐ Unnecessary code (comments, console.logs, etc.) has been removed.
  • W3C Validator gives no errors
  • ☐ External links with target="_blank" also have rel="noopener"

Design & Browser Testing

  • ☐ Works and is displayed correctly on all viewports (> 320px).
  • ☐ Works and is displayed correctly in IE11
  • ☐ Works and is displayed correctly in Microsoft Edge
  • ☐ Works and is displayed correctly in Firefox
  • ☐ Works and is displayed correctly in Chrome
  • ☐ Works and is displayed correctly in Safari (Mac)
  • ☐ Works and is displayed correctly in Safari (iOS)
  • ☐ Works and is displayed correctly on Android Browser


  • ☐ Meta title (< 65 characters) and meta description (< 155 characters) available on all pages
  • ☐ Check XML Sitemap with siteURL/sitemap.xml
  • robots.txt available
  • ☐ 301 Redirects are set up after a redesign (Redirect Manager Plugin)
  • ☐ Define Open Graph Tags when page has sharing-options


  • ☐ Pictures have an alternative text <img alt="...">
  • ☐ Touch targets are at least 48px × 48px


  • ☐ Check the Craft system report for non green checkmarks (<projectname>/admin/utilities/system-report) and change PHP settings accordingly
  • ☐ Make sure that Craft Pro and paid plugins like Neo and Linkit have a license. Licenses can be bought through the Control Panel itself.
  • ☐ Add the used license.key and all paid plugins to our Craft ID (digital@hi-schweiz.ch)


  • ☐ SVGs are optimized (SVGOMG)
  • ☐ PNG and JPEG images are optimized
  • ☐ PNG and JPEG images are displayed in the correct size
  • ☐ CSS and Javascript are minified
  • ☐ Integrated vendor code is minified
  • ☐ Load Javascript at the end of the document or in the head with defer (Infos)
  • ☐ Only required web fonts are used
  • ☐ Website remains somewhat usable without Javascript (Progressive Enhancement)
  • Google Page Speed is over 80/100

After Go-Live

  • ☐ Google Analytics is set up an in the markup
  • ☐ Protect domain with SSL certificate. Set up forwarding to HTTPS. (my.cyon.ch)
  • ☐ Add security headers to .htaccess and check security score.
  • ☐ Update projekte.hi-schweiz.ch with all the information about the project.