
Detect the language for your application using browser preferences, subdomains or route prefixes.

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Language Detector

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This package provides an easy way to detect and apply the language for your application using browser preferences, subdomains or route prefixes.


Require the package with composer:

composer require vluzrmos/language-detector

Add the service provider to your providers list:


Edit your config/app.php:

Please, put that provider before your own App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider:


::class notation is optional.


Edit the bootratrap/app.php:


::class notation is optional.


Put that on your .env file:

#Indicates whenever should autodetect the language (it could be removed)
#The driver to use, default is browser
#The segment to use in uri or subdomain driver, default 0 (it could be removed)
#A comma-separated list of available languages on application
#To aliase the language use the notation ":", "=", ":=" or  "=>" to separate the alias and its value.
# LANG_DETECTOR_LANGUAGES="en, en-us:en, pt-br:pt_BR"

If you not want to use that, just publish the configurations of the package with php artisan vendor:publish and edit on config/lang-detector.php generated.

For Lumen, consider to copy vendor/vluzrmos/language-detector/config/lang-detector.php to your configs dir and use $app->configure('lang-detector') before register the LanguageDetectorServiceProvider.

Detector Drivers

There are a few drivers that you might to use, choose one which matches with your application design:

Browser Preferences

The driver browser will try to detect the language of the application based on the request languages (browser preferences). This driver doesn't need any other configuration, just configure the available languages.


The driver subdomain will try to detect the language of the application which matches with subdomain of the hostname. eg.:


The subdomain driver will detect fr language and set to the application if that is in available languages on lang-detector config file.

Note: subdomain and uri drivers needs you aliases the language-locales on lang-detector config file.

Route Prefixes

The driver uri will try to detect the language based on the route prefix:


That driver will detect en-us and set it to the application. (Note: Consider to aliase that locale)

And don't worry, if the url is like:


The language will not be changed, the application will use your default language configured on your config/app.php file.

With uri driver, your route group needs be like this:

//That would be nice if you put (edit) it on your App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.

// Laravel
Route::group(['prefix' => app('language.routePrefix'), 'namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers'], function ($router) {
	require __DIR__.'/../Http/routes.php';

//For lumen, it should be on bootstrap/app.php.

// Lumen
$app->group(['prefix' => app('language.routePrefix'), 'namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers'], function ($app) {
   require __DIR__.'/../app/Http/routes.php';

Issue: Lumen 5.0 doesn't support route prefix with empty strings, you should use that script:

$prefix = app('language.routePrefix');

$options = [];

if (!empty($prefix) && $prefix!="/") {
    $options['prefix'] = $prefix;

// any other options here
$options['namespace'] = 'App\Http\Controllers';

$app->group($options, function () use($app) {
	// ...

Note: That is only for Lumen 5.0, the newest version (5.1) already fixes it.

Aliasing language locales

You might to use the style lang_LOCALE or just lang on your resources/lang dir. The language detector driver you have chosen will try to detect the language which matches with lang or lang_LOCALE available on your config/lang-detector.php.

'languages' => ['en', 'pt_BR' ...]


├── lang
│   ├── en
│   │   ├── messages.php
│   │   └── validation.php
│   └── pt_BR
│       ├── messages.php
│       └── validation.php

If you are not following that style of languages names or if you are using the subdomain or uri drivers, just configure it on config/lang-detector.php file:

'languages' => [
    'pt_BR' => 'pt-BR', //will detect pt_BR language, and set pt-BR to the application,
    'pt' => 'pt-BR', //aliasing, will detect pt and set pt-BR to the application
    'pt-br' => "pt-BR", //aliasing, will detect pt-br and set pt-BR to the application (you will need it with subdomain driver)
    'en', //will detect 'en' language

or if you are using .env instead of config file:

#Just put the languages in a comma-separated string.
#To aliase the language use the notation ":", "=", ":=" or  "=>" to separate the alias and its value.
LANG_DETECTOR_LANGUAGES="pt_BR:pt-BR, pt:pt-BR, pt-br:pt-BR, en"


Consider to use that list of 46 default laravel messages translated:

If you want to translate your models you should use that package:
