
Primary LanguagePython

  • Briefly speaking, a comp representation is a

    1. Polynomial representation of a comp graph (see below).
  • A comp graph is a directed graph with

    1. Distinguished leaf nodes known as sinks.
    2. Distinguished nodes with only outgoing edges known as sources.
    3. Internal nodes labeled with operations.
    4. Compute a function when the sources are populated with data, and propagating to the sinks
  • We restrict to comp graphs that compute multivariate polynomial functions, i.e., comp graphs that only have the operations "+, -, *"

  • Such comp graphs with a single sink, have a comp representation of the following sort:

    1. Call the single sink y1
    2. Call the sources x1, x2, .. xn (assuming n sources) and call the function f(x1, x2, ..., xn).
      • For convinience write x1, x2, ..., xn as X
    3. Let y1, y2, ..., ym denote intermediate quantities of the computation f(X), i.e., there exists polynomials g1, g2, ..., gm for which one can express y1 = g1(y2, y3, ..., ym) = f(X) y2 = g2(y3, y4, ..., ym, X) y3 = g3(y2, y2, ..., ym, X) ... ym = gm(y2, y3, ... y{m-1}, X)
  • We have the following result: Let Y1, Y2, ..., Ym be intedeterminates. Then, a set of multivariate polys {g1, g2, ..., gm} is a comp representation of f(X) iff the remainder of Y1 - f(X) w.r.t the set {Y1-g1, .... Ym-gm} is zero.

    remainder=0 => comp rep - since remainder=0, we can therefore write Y1-f(X) = a1 (Y1 - g1) + a2 (Y2 - g2) + ... + am (Ym - gm) - substitute Y1=g1, Y2=g2, ..., Ym=gm gives 0 on the LHS - this implies g1 = f(X) from subsitituing Y1=g1 on the RHS and equating to the 0 on the LHS

    comp rep => remainder =0 - Assume the contrary that there is some non-zero remainder r, i.e., assume that Y1-f(X) = a1 (Y1 - g1) + a2 (Y2 - g2) + ... + am (Ym - gm) + r - Take the intermediate quantities y1=g1, y2=g2, ..., ym=gm and substitute for Y1=y1=g1, etc..., this gives r' = subst(r, Y1=g1, ...Ym=gm) - by virtute that r was a remainder with none of the linear factors listed above, then r' cannot be zero - but then we get g1 - f(X) is non-zero, which contradicts the fact that {g1, g2, ..., gm} was a comp rep of f. - Hence our assumption was incorrect and the result proved.

  • We perform the search over sets of polys {g1, g2, ..., gm} to find comp reps of some function f(X) as follows

    1. Consider a search tree where the nodes at level l correspond to size-l sets {g1, g2, ..., gl}
    2. parent-child node relationship in search tree by set containment
    3. if Y1 -f(X) as a zero remainder over the set as described above, then we have found a comp rep of f.