
LibGDX Platformer using Box2D

Primary LanguageJava

Zero Build Status

LibGDX Platformer using Box2D ingame image


  • Dynamic level/map loading from Tiled map files
  • Physics (Box2d)
  • Dynamic lighting (box2dlights)
  • Entity animations
  • Abilities [WIP]

Technical documentation

Used libraries

Name Version
LibGDX 1.7.1
Box2D 1.7.1
box2DLights 1.4
reflections.org 0.9.10
mockito 1.9.5

Project setup

To setup the project in your IDE you can follow the LibGDX wiki's guide. When using IntelliJ IDEA I recommend not using the integrated gradle integration and instead running ./gradlew idea for performance reasons.

  1. git clone git@github.com/flaiker/zero
  2. cd zero
  3. ./gradlew idea -> Open folder in IDEA
  4. ./gradlew desktop:run -> Start the game

Asset regeneration

To make regeneration of texture atlas files easier and to help with synchronising atlas files and tiled tilesets there is a second launchable application in desktop/.../AssetProductionLauncher which recreates texture atlases based on the individual image files in the asset directory.

One thing to note is that block-assets have a number prefix to provide backward compatibility with map files that have been created using older tilesets.

The process can be started using gradle with ./gradlew desktop:assets.

More information on the asset regeneration progress can be found in the inline documentation in the package com.flaiker.zero.assetpipeline.

Release packaging



Copyright 2016 Fabian Lupa