
Repository of latest version of Active FIre plugin

Primary LanguagePython

This plugin allows the user to display active fire data from the past 24 hours, for all over the World!
The plugin downloads the data from NASA's website where it is freely available, and displays it in the QGIS project.  
The website can be found here: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/earth-observation-data/near-real-time/firms/active-fire-data

The user can choose between three kind of data:

-Data from MODIS C6 1KM
-Data from VIIRS 375M/S-NPP
-Data from VIIRS 375M/NOAA-20

Then the user can exit the plugin by pressing the 'Exit' button.

This plugin was developed by Pawel Dzierzynski from The Map Workshop
Contact: pawel.jan.dzierzynski@gmail.com