
Webcomic download system written in RoR

Primary LanguageRuby


Rubycom is a webcomic downloader and viewer application, just like dailystrips. It's written in RubyOnRails and, um... it's great.

It started as a personal project, but perhaps someone wants to use (or even contribute) to it...


  1. You need a normal RoR enabled webserver.
  2. Clone rubycom.
  3. Copy config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and modify it to your likings.
  4. Do the same with config/config.yml.example.
  5. Run rake db:migrate.
  6. Make sure the webserver has the right to write into public/comics.
  7. It is also advisable to give the webserver permission to modify config/comics.yml.
  8. Call rubycom in your webbrowser.
  9. Have fun?

Automatic Updates

How do they work?

Rubycom fetches the file config/comics.yml from this repository and uses it to update or add new comics to your local comic list - if you wish.

Can I extend this list?

Of course. Fork this project, add new comics to your list (or repair existing comics) and then run rake comics:dump. This will regenerate config/comics.yml with your local comics. Commit, push and send me a pull request. I'll be happy to merge it.

Updates via github

If you use the "Comic-Definitionen updaten" link, Rubycom will automatically pull the comic definitions from the "official" repository (fabianonline/rubycom/master), and you can select which of these definitions you want to use.

Updates via cron

rubycom can fetch all comics from their individual websites via cron. The command you need to enter in your crontab is 'path/to/rubycom/script/runner "Comic.update_all" -e production'. You can enter your email address in config/config.yml, so every time an error occurs (i.e. the source of a comic is not accessible), rubycom will send you a mail.