
Very simple Script to send messages via Jabber

Primary LanguageRuby

Simple Jabber



You can use simple_jabber.rb whenever you want to send jabber messages from the console. For example, you could use this script to send Nagios notifications to your Jabber account or notify yourself in realtime about other important things on your server.


  • Clone this repository.
  • Install the needed gems (gem install xmpp4r-simple).
  • Copy config.yml.example to config.yml.
  • Modify config.yml to add login credentials to an existing Jabber account which will be used for sending messages.


You can just pipe data via STDIN into the script.

echo "hello" | ./simple_jabber.rb recipient@example.com

Every line will be sent as single message, so you can even pipe long-running scripts into simple_jabber.rb to automatically get notified about new lines.

tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log | ./simple_jabber.rb recipient@example.com

Without piping data into simple_jabber.rb, it will just send everything you type into it. Press Ctrl-C to exit.

./simple_jabber.rb recipient@example.com<ENTER>
Hello World<ENTER>
How are you?<ENTER>

You are not even limited to a single recipient.

echo "Hello all of you" | ./simple_jabber.rb a@example.com b@example.com c@example.com


SimpleJabber is a single Ruby class which has exacly one purpose: Sending Jabber messages.


See above. Same procedure (if you've done it once, that's enough).


require 'SimpleJabber'
jabber = SimpleJabber.new
jabber.deliver('recipient@example.com', 'Hello world')