
Cookiecutter templates for testing Ansible Operators

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Build Status

Basic Usage

molecule init template --url https://github.com/fabianvf/k8s-ansible-operator-cookiecutter


cookiecutter https://github.com/fabianvf/k8s-ansible-operator-cookiecutter

and follow the prompts to set the required parameters.

Commands run in above gif:

molecule init template --url https://github.com/fabianvf/k8s-ansible-operator-cookiecutter
# Fill in the app-name, group, version, kind, and whether to use the playbook or role skeleton
# I used example-operator, apps.fabianism.us, v1alpha1, ExampleApp, and 2 (for playbook)
# Replace example-operator with your chosen app-name
cd example-operator
tree | less
molecule test -s test-local


  • Docker must be installed on your system
  • You will also need the following python packages:
    • molecule
    • docker
    • openshift

NOTE This template requires a patch to molecule that has not yet made it into a release. In order to install molecule from the master branch on github, run:

pip install git+https://github.com/ansible/molecule.git


This repo is a cookiecutter template for generating an Ansible Operator scaffold. It will initialize a basic Ansible role, as well as three molecule scenarios and a basic .travis.yml for testing with travis-ci.

To use this cookiecutter template to initialize a new role, you can run molecule init template --url https://github.com/fabianvf/k8s-ansible-operator-cookiecutter and follow the prompts to select your APP_NAME, GROUP, VERSION, and KIND This will init an operator with the following structure (sub in the variables mentioned above with your selections):

├── build
│   └── Dockerfile
├── deploy
│   ├── crds
│   │   ├── $GROUP_$VERSION_$KIND_crd.yaml
│   │   └── $GROUP_$VERSION_$KIND_cr.yaml
│   ├── operator.yaml
│   ├── role_binding.yaml
│   ├── role.yaml
│   └── service_account.yaml
├── molecule
│   ├── default
│   │   ├── INSTALL.rst
│   │   ├── molecule.yml
│   │   ├── playbook.yml
│   │   └── prepare.yml
│   └── test-local
│       ├── INSTALL.rst
│       ├── molecule.yml
│       ├── playbook.yml
│       └── prepare.yml
├── roles
│   └── $KIND
│       ├── defaults
│       │   └── main.yml
│       ├── files
│       ├── handlers
│       │   └── main.yml
│       ├── meta
│       │   └── main.yml
│       ├── README.md
│       ├── tasks
│       │   └── main.yml
│       ├── templates
│       └── vars
│           └── main.yml
└── watches.yaml

To run a molecule command, just cd $APP_NAME, then you can run any molecule command and it will be able to properly locate the scenarios.


This cookiecutter sets up three molecule scenarios for testing your operator. To execute a molecule scenario, you can run molecule converge or molecule test. molecule test will spin up a new Kubernetes-in-Docker instance, execute playbook.yml, and then tear down the cluster. molecule converge will bring up a Kubernetes-in-Docker instance, run the playbook.yml, and then exit. For development, converge will provide a much faster testing loop, but test is a better verification and should be used in test automation. By default molecule will target the default scenario, if you want to target one of other scenarios, run molecule converge -s <scenario> or molecule test -s <scenario> instead.


The first scenario, default, is intended for use during role development. It will spin up a (Kubernetes-in-Docker (kind))[https://github.com/bsycorp/kind] cluster and run the initialized role against that cluster. You can add asserts to the end of <role_name>/molecule/default/playbook.yml to verify the state of your cluster.


The second scenario, test-local is a more thorough end-to-end test of your operator. It will bring up a Kubernetes-in-Docker cluster, build your operator image and make it available to that cluster, create the CRD, namespace and various RBAC resources, and then spin up your operator and create an instance of your CR. You can add asserts to the end of <role_name>/molecule/test-local/playbook.yml to verify that your operator is performing the actions you expect.


The third scenario, test-cluster is intended to integrate into existing end-to-end test suites. I'm not yet sure what it will do. WIP