
First get the project built:

dep ensure
go build

Then you can start the proxy like this (using a specific service account as an example, you'll need to tweak those values):

./owner-ref-proxy --port 8001

Then create a new kubeconfig with a base64 encoded JSON object as the user field for BasicAuth in the cluster URL. The JSON object should have the fields apiVersion, kind, name, uid. For example, for the default serviceaccount in your current namespace, the following command would create the proper kubeconfig:

cat <<EOF >config
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
    insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
    server: http://$(echo '{"name": "default", "kind": "ServiceAccount", "apiVersion": "v1", "uid": "'$(kubectl get sa default -o yaml | grep uid | awk '{print $2}')'"}'  | base64 -w0)@                
  name: 127-0-0-1:8001
- context:
    cluster: 127-0-0-1:8001
    user: admin/127-0-0-1:8001
  name: test/127-0-0-1:8001/admin:test
current-context: test/127-0-0-1:8001/admin:test
preferences: {}
- name: admin/127-0-0-1:8001

You should then be able to run kubectl commands with the --kubeconfig config argument as normal. Any resources that are created by those commands will have the specified ownerReference injected into them.