OpenShift Console NVIDIA GPU Plugin

Dynamic plugin for the OpenShift console which adds GPU capabilities.




# add Helm repo
$ helm repo add rh-ecosystem-edge
$ helm repo update

# install the Helm chart in the default NVIDIA GPU operator namespace
$ helm install -n nvidia-gpu-operator console-plugin-nvidia-gpu rh-ecosystem-edge/console-plugin-nvidia-gpu

# view deployed resources
$ kubectl -n nvidia-gpu-operator get all -l

# check if a plugins field is specified
$ oc get cluster --output=jsonpath="{.spec.plugins}"

# if not, then run the following to enable the plugin
$ kubectl patch cluster --patch '{ "spec": { "plugins": ["console-plugin-nvidia-gpu"] } }' --type=merge

# if yes, then run the following to enable the plugin
$ kubectl patch cluster --patch '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/plugins/-", "value": "console-plugin-nvidia-gpu" }]' --type=json

Local development

OpenShift Console NVIDIA GPU Plugin works as a remote bundle for OCP console. To run OpenShift Console NVIDIA GPU Plugin there should be a instance of the OCP console up and running. Follow these steps to run the OCP Console in development mode:

  • Follow everything as mentioned in the console to build the application.
  • Run the console bridge as follows ./bin/bridge -plugins console-plugin-nvidia-gpu=
  • Run developemnt mode of console by going into console/frontend and running yarn run dev

After the OCP console is set as required by the ODF Console. Perform the following steps to make it run:

  • Install & setup the NVIDIA GPU Operator
  • Clone this repo
  • Pull all required dependencies by running yarn install
  • Run the development mode by running yarn start