
Habana AI Workload

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Habana Labs SMI Container

This repository contains everything needed to build a container image with the Habana Labs SMI (hl-smi) command that allows getting info about Habana AI accelerators.

Manual build of the container image

Below is an example for building a container image for the version 1.4.1-11 of the Habana AI driver.

export ARCH="x86_64"
export BASE_DIGEST="sha256:083521e65708a64070058313e3d7389e4fcbaa79a7b2f5c6607cc341dfef6f2c"
export HABANA_VERSION="1.4.1-11"
export RHEL_VERSION="8.6"
podman build \
    --build-arg ARCH=${ARCH} \
    --build-arg BASE_DIGEST=${BASE_DIGEST} \
    --build-arg RHEL_VERSION=${RHEL_VERSION} \
    --tag ghcr.io/fabiendupont/habana-ai-smi:${HABANA_VERSION} \
    --file Dockerfile .

For that image to be usable in our OpenShift clusters, we simply push it to ghcr.io.

podman login ghcr.io
podman push ghcr.io/fabiendupont/habana-ai-smi:${HABANA_VERSION}

Maintain a library of Habana AI SMI images