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Infrastructure Management Solution - Ansible deployment


This repository provides a playbook, deploy.yml, that installs the IMS environment on top of an oVirt / RHV environment. It deploys a ManageIQ / CloudForms appliance using, then it adds the providers, configures the conversion hosts and add the V2V assets to the appliance: appliance role, automate code, conversion hosts credentials.

Every action is done as root on the oVirt/RHV Manager machine.


Installation is as simple as cloning a git repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/fdupont-redhat/ims-ansible.git


The following command line will launch the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook deploy.yml -e @extra_vars.yml --ask-vault-pass

The extra_vars.yml is not provided as it is specific to your environment. A example file is provided extra_vars.example.yml, so that you can see what variables are available. Copy it to extra_vars.yml and adapt it to your environment.

A example inventory is also provided: inventory.example.yml. Copy it to inventory.yml and adapt it to your environment.


You will have to provide some passwords, so consider using file encrypted by ansible-vault to protect them.

Most of the variables come from the oVirt.manageiq role, so we advise that you also read its documentation for further customization.

The follwing variables allow to connect to the oVirt / RHV API.

Variable Description
engine_fqdn Hostname of the oVirt / RHV engine server
engine_user Username of the oVirt / RHV engine server
engine_password Password of the oVirt / RHV engine server

The following variables allow the creation of the virtual machine, as well as the configuration of the providers. By default, a oVirt / RHV provider is created for the platform on which ManageIQ is deployed. The miq_extra_providers allows to add more providers, such as the VMware source providers. See extra_vars.example.yml for an example.

Variable Description
miq_qcow_url URL of the appliance to deploy (QCOW file)
miq_vm_name Name of the VM
miq_vm_root_password Root password of the VM
miq_vm_cluster Name of the oVirt / RHV cluster where to deploy the VM
miq_vm_memory_gb Amount of memory to allocate to the VM in GB
miq_vm_cpus Number of vCPUs to allocate to the VM
miq_vm_ip_address IP address of the VM
miq_vm_netmask Netmask of the VM
miq_vm_gateway Gateway of the VM
miq_vm_dns_servers DNS servers
miq_vm_dns_domain DNS domain
miq_vm_cloud_init Cloud-init configuration to use (see oVirt.manageiq role)
miq_rhv_provider_name Name of the provider configured for the current oVirt / RHV platform
miq_extra_providers Additional providers to create during deployement
miq_extra_automate_domains Additional Git backed automate domains to import

Virtual machine extra disks (e.g. database, log, tmp): a dict named miq_vm_disks allows to describe each of the extra disks (see example playbook). For each disk, the following attributes can be set:

Name Default value Description
name UNDEF The name of the virtual machine disk. i
size UNDEF The virtual machine disk size (XXGiB).
interface UNDEF The virtual machine disk interface type (virtio or virtio_scsi).
format UNDEF The format of the virtual machine disk (raw or cow).

The following variables are used to configure the conversion host during the deployemnt.

Variable Description
v2v_repo_rpms_name Name of the repository for V2V packages
v2v_repo_rpms_url URL of the repository for V2V packages
v2v_repo_srpms_name Name of the repository for V2V source packages
v2v_repo_srpms_url URL of the repository for V2V source packages
v2v_vddk_package_name Name of the VDDK archive
v2v_vddk_package_url URL of the VDDK archive


In order to allow people to run specific parts of the playbook, we have implemented tags. Here is a list of available tags:

Tag Description
inventory Ensures that ManageIQ appliance is added to the in memory inventory
conversion_host Configure conversion hosts
extra_providers Add providers to ManageIQ
manageiq_roles Activate required ManageIQ roles
automate_domains Add the V2V automate domain
ssh_keys Deploys ManageIQ SSH key on RHV-M