Tackle - Demo Scenario

Note - The steps described below are executed on a Fedora 35 workstation, but will likely work on any recent Linux distribution. The only prerequisites are to enable virtualization extensions in the BIOS/EFI of the machine, to install libvirt and to add our user to the libvirt group.

The first thing to do is to install Minikube, which provides a certified Kubernetes platform with most of the vanilla features. This allows to simulate a real Kubernetes cluster with a fairly high level of feature parity.

Installing Minikube

The installation consists in downloading the minikube binary into ${HOME}/.local/bin, so that we don't need to modify the PATH variable. Other options are described in Minikube documentation.

curl -sL -o ${HOME}/.local/bin/minikube \

The binary doesn't have the execution permission, so we add it.

chmod u+x ~/.local/bin/minikube

By default, Minikube uses the kvm driver with 6,000 MB of memory. This is not enough to run all the services, so we need to increase the allocated memory. In our experience, 10 GB of memory is fine.

minikube config set memory 10240

Then, the following command will download a qcow2 image of Minikube and start a virtual machine from it. It will then wait for the Kubernetes API to be ready.

minikube start

We need to enable the dashboard, ingress and olm addons. The dashboard addon installs the dashboard service that exposes the Kubernetes objects in a user interface. The ingress addon allows us to create Ingress CRs to expose the Tackle UI and Tackle Hub API. The olm addon allows us to use an operator to deploy Tackle.

minikube addons enable dashboard
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable olm

The following command gives us the IP address assigned to the virtual machine created by Minikube. It will be used later, when interacting with the Tackle Hub API.

$ minikube ip

Configuring kubectl

Minikube allows us to use the kubectl command with minikube kubectl. To make the experience more Kubernetes-like, we can set a shell alias to simply use kubectl. The following example shows how to do it for Bash on Fedora 35.

mkdir -p ~/.bashrc.d
cat << EOF > ~/.bashrc.d/minikube
alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --"
source ~/.bashrc

Accessing the Kubernetes dashboard

We may need to access the dashboard, either simply to see what's happening under the hood, or to troubleshoot an issue. We have already enabled the dashboard addon in a previous command.

We can use the kubectl proxy command to enable that. The following command sets up the proxy to listen on any network interface (useful for remote access), on the 18080/tcp port (easy to remember), with requests filtering disabled (less secure, but necessary).

kubectl proxy \
    --address= --port 18080 \

We can now access the dashboard through the proxy. In the following URL, replace the IP address with your workstation IP address.

Installing Tackle

We can now deploy Tackle using the Ansible based operator. It is currently not published, so we'll have to use the deploy target of the Makefile provided in the repository.

git clone https://github.com/fabiendupont/tackle-operator
cd tackle-operator
make deploy

This only deploys the controller-manager pod, we need to create a Tackle CR to trigger the deployment of the other services. An example is provided in the repository.

kubectl create -f config/samples/tackle.konveyor.io_v1alpha1_tackle.yaml

The deployment takes some time, mainly due to the bootstrapping of Keycloak. We can monitor Keycloak deployment with kubectl wait.

kubectl wait deployment tackle-keycloak-sso \
    -n tackle-operator --for condition=Available --timeout=5m

Once Keycloak is up and running, we can connect to Tackle UI at the IP address noted earlier: (adjust to your IP address).

We can now proceed to perform Tackle actions via the user interface:

  1. Create a stakeholder:

    • Email: cmburns@globex.io
    • Name: Charles Montgomery Burns
    • Job Function: Business Service Owner / Manager
  2. Create a stakeholder group:

    • Name: Retail Business Owners
    • Members: Charles Montgomery Burns
  3. Create a business service:

    • Name: Globex Retail
    • Owner: Charles Montgomery Burns
  4. Import applications from the CSV file: applications.csv

  5. Assess and Review the application named "Customers"

  6. Copy the assessment and review to the applications named "Inventory" and "Orders"

We now have acquired some information about the applications. Some tags were set during the import and we have identified some risks through an assessment and a review. Let's now use some add-ons to better understand the applications.

Accessing Tackle Hub API

The following steps will require interacting with the Tackle Hub API directly. By default, it is not exposed, so we need to create an Ingress with a /hub prefix and a rewrite rule. This is a limitation of using Minikube, but it's acceptable.

Below is the ingress-tackle-hub-api.yml file that defines the Ingress:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: tackle-hub-api
  namespace: tackle-operator
    app.kubernetes.io/name: tackle-hub
    app.kubernetes.io/component: api
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: tackle
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$2
  ingressClassName: nginx
    - {}
    - http:
          - path: /hub(/|$)(.*)
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                name: tackle-hub-api
                  number: 8080

We create the Ingress.

kubectl create -f files/ingress-tackle-hub-api.yml

The Tackle Hub API is now accessible at

Identifying the languages of the applications

When we imported the applications, the languages were not provided as tags. We have an add-on that is based on GitHub Linguist and that can identify the most representative language in the application source code repository. The add-on will add the language tag to the application and store the full result in a bucket.

First, we have to declare the add-on, so that we can create a task that uses it.

Below is the tackle-addons-discovery-languages.yml file that defines the discovery-languages addon.

apiVersion: tackle.konveyor.io/v1alpha1
kind: Addon
  name: discovery-languages
  namespace: tackle-operator
  image: quay.io/fabiendupont/tackle-addons-discovery-languages:latest

We deploy the add-on with kubectl.

kubectl create -f files/addons/tackle-addons-discovery-languages.yml

The applications that we have imported have their source code in subfolders of a single Git repository. The add-on supports analyzing a subfolder, simply by adding the path to the task data. Below is the curl command with the JSON payload for the application named "Customers" (id: 1).

Below is the discovery-languages/001.customers.json file that is passed to the API.

    "name": "discover-language-customers",
    "addon": "discovery-languages",
    "data": {
        "application": 1,
        "git": {
            "url": "https://github.com/konveyor/mig-demo-apps",
            "path": "/apps/e2e-demo/customers-tomcat-legacy"

We can create the task with curl.

curl -X POST -d @files/tasks/discover-languages/001..customers.json

We can see in the Kubernetes dashboard that a job has been created and a pod is running. Let's wait for the job to complete.

We can now see in the user interface that the Java tag has been set. But the add-on has also copied the full result of GitHub Linguist in a bucket. We can list the buckets for the application with the API.

$ curl -s
    "id": 1,
    "createUser": "addon",
    "updateUser": "",
    "createTime": "2021-12-22T22:24:56.020850488Z",
    "name": "DiscoveryLanguage",
    "path": "/buckets/8cb950df-2bfb-427b-b0c4-9af1a6fc0233",
    "application": 1

We can then look inside the bucket and find the list of files.


Currently, this returns an HTML page listing the files in the bucket. Other representations can be considered in the future, such as a JSON array with more metadata about the files stored, like file type, size, permissions, etc...

In the case of the language discovery add-on, there is only one file named languages.json. We can see its content with the following API call.

$ curl -s
  "Dockerfile": {
    "size": 676,
    "percentage": "5.16"
  "Makefile": {
    "size": 1153,
    "percentage": "8.81"
  "Java": {
    "size": 11262,
    "percentage": "86.03"

We can call the same add-on on all the applications, in order to know the languages used and decide what the next steps are.

for i in `ls -1 files/tasks/discovery-languages` ; do
    curl -X POST -d @files/tasks/discovery-languages/${i}

Analyzing the cloud-readiness with Windup

We have identified that most of the applications are written in Java. It would be great to perform a static code analysis with Windup to identify the technical issues that prevent the application from being cloud-ready. We have an add-on that clones the Git repository, creates a bucket and calls the mta-cli (downstream of Windup) with the bucket as the output folder.

First, we have to declare the add-on, so that we can create a task that uses it.

Below is the tackle-addons-analysis-windup.yml file that defines the analysis-windup addon.

apiVersion: tackle.konveyor.io/v1alpha1
kind: Addon
  name: analysis-windup
  namespace: tackle-operator
  image: quay.io/fabiendupont/tackle-addons-analysis-windup:latest

We deploy the add-on with kubectl.

kubectl create -f files/addons/tackle-addons-analysis-windup.yml

The applications that we have imported have their source code in subfolders of a single Git repository. The add-on supports analyzing a subfolder, simply by adding the path to the task data. Below is the curl command with the JSON payload for the application named "Customers" (id: 1).

Below is the analysis-windup/001.customers.json file that is passed to the API.

    "name": "analyze-windup-customers",
    "addon": "analysis-windup",
    "data": {
        "application": 1,
        "git": {
            "url": "https://github.com/konveyor/mig-demo-apps",
            "path": "/apps/e2e-demo/customers-tomcat-legacy"
        "windup": {
            "targets": [

We can create the task with curl.

curl -X POST -d @files/tasks/analysis-windup/001.customers.json

Once the task has completed, the result of the analysis is available in the bucket. Because Windup outputs HTML, pointing a browser to the bucket URL displays the Windup dashboard and we can explore the report.