This repository contains the materials for the GESIS Training course "Going Cross-Lingual: Computational Methods for Multilingual Text Analysis" taught by
Hauke Licht (hauke.licht [at] wiso [dot] uni-koeln [dot] de
Fabienne Lind (fabienne [dot] lind [at] univie [dot] ac [dot] at
A course overview and syllabus can be found here.
The setup/ folder of this repository contains all materials needed for making your computer ready for the course.
- the file '' provides beginner-friendly instructions for setting up Python for the course
- the 'python_requirements.txt' lists the python packagages you want to install
If you have a question or encounter any issues, email the course instructors (via hauke.licht [at] wiso [dot] uni-koeln [dot] de
and fabienne [dot] lind [at] univie [dot] ac [dot] at
) or post an issue.