

Primary LanguageJavaScript


oh you're not ready


QuasR is a software framework that allows developers to build cross-languages services easily. It provides automatic bindings for any library written in C/C++, D, Dart, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby and many more.

Getting started

Install the QuasR framework using node and npm (see https://nodejs.org) :

git clone https://github.com/fabiensabatie/QuasR.git
cd QuasR
npm i && cd Stardust && npm i && cd ..

Start the backend with :

node qr_index.js repoAuthor repoName

Start the front with :

cd Stardust && npm start


  • Build front for parameter types
  • Parser optimisation.
  • Encapsulating server and client

Project structure

	|_ app_commons - Contains the nodejs application common files (globals / mongo functions / prototypes / credentials)
	|_ controllers - Contains the controllers
		|_ files - File management functions (read / write / etc.)
		|_ programs - Functions gathering / saving the information relative to the programs
	|_ libraries - Contains all QuasR libraries for cross-platform connection to quasr.io services
		|_ clients - Client side libraries
		|_ servers - Server side libraries
		|_ gen-code - Thrift libs for libraries (to be integrated in clients/server on short-term)
	|_ views - Contains front-end views
		|_ layouts - Views layouts
	|_ qr_index.js - Entry point for the QuasR app.
	|_ Stardust - ReactJS Front
		|_ src - Contains all app the sources 


The following steps describe the process for QuasR usage :

- A library is added from the QuasR website
- The library is parsed :
	|_ Typedefs, enums, structs, classes and macros are gathered
- A .thrift file is generated using the parsed data
- Thrift generates the appropriate code for the requested languages
- The client side library is created using the previously generated code : includes thrift functions / QuasR communicating functions
- The server side encapsulating program is generated using the previously built thrift file for each language : includes thrift functions / QuasR communicating functions / library functions
- The server side code is executed and listens for entries.
- The client includes the QuasR library to their program, initialise the connection to the quasr.io gateway, and starts using the distant library functions.