
To start the server, type the follwing line in the terminal

php -S

Week 1: Fundamentals of PHP and Version Control

Day 1: Introduction to PHP

Topics Covered: Syntax, variables, data types, and basic operations. Activities: Writing simple PHP scripts that perform basic arithmetic operations and string manipulations.

Day 2: Control Structures and Functions in PHP

Topics Covered: Conditional statements, loops, and defining/calling functions. Activities: Creating PHP scripts that use if-else conditions, for/while loops, and functions to solve problems.

Day 3: Introduction to Git

Topics Covered: Version control concepts, setting up Git, basic Git commands (init, add, commit, push, pull). Activities: Initializing a Git repository, making changes to a project, and pushing them to a remote repository (e.g., GitHub).

Day 4: Advanced Git and GitHub

Topics Covered: Branching, merging, conflicts resolution, pull requests, and using GitHub for collaboration. Activities: Collaborating on a simple project using branches, resolving merge conflicts, and using pull requests on GitHub.

Day 5: Working with Arrays and Strings in PHP

Topics Covered: Array and string functions, associative arrays. Activities: Writing PHP scripts that manipulate arrays and strings to perform tasks like sorting, filtering, and searching.

Week 2: Laravel, WordPress, and Project

Day 6: Introduction to Laravel

Topics Covered: MVC architecture, setting up Laravel, Laravel routes, and basic controllers. Activities: Setting up a new Laravel project and creating a simple web page with routing.

Day 7: Database and Eloquent in Laravel

Topics Covered: Configuring databases, migrations, Eloquent models, and basic CRUD operations. Activities: Creating a database for a blog, defining migrations, and implementing CRUD operations for blog posts.

Day 8: Introduction to WordPress

Topics Covered: WordPress setup, themes, plugins, and creating a simple blog. Activities: Installing WordPress, exploring the dashboard, and creating a basic blog with posts and pages.

Day 9: Advanced WordPress

Topics Covered: Custom themes, plugin development basics. Activities: Modifying a simple theme and exploring how to create a basic plugin.

Day 10: Project and Review

Topics Covered: Applying everything learned to a project. Review and Q&A session. Activities: Working in groups or individually on a project that incorporates PHP, Laravel, and WordPress elements. Reviewing key concepts and answering any questions.