
Sandbox for Backstage Functions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Coverage Status

Backstage functions-sandbox

functions-sandbox is the engine behind Backstage Functions and executes code in isolation (a sandbox). It could be used for both running code in production as well as testing the deployed functions (before they are deployed, hopefully).

$ npm install @globocom/functions-sandbox

Example of usage

const Sandbox = require('backstage-functions-sandbox');

const mySandbox = new Sandbox({
  env: {
     MY_VAR: 'TRUE', // environment variable will be available on Backstage.env.MY_VAR
  globalModules: [ 'path' ], // put all available modules that will allow to import
  asyncTimeout: 10000,
  syncTimeout: 300,

const myCode = mySandbox.compileCode('test.js', `
  async function main(req, res) {
    const result = req.body.x * req.body.y;
    const name = Backstage.env.MY_VAR;
    // you could call await here
    return { name, result };

// express.Request compatible
const req = {
  headers: {},
  query: {},
  body: { x: 10, y: 10}

mySandbox.runScript(myCode, req).then(({status, body}) => {
  console.info('Result:', status, body);
}, (err) => {
  console.error('Error:', err);


Name Description Example
env Environment variables used by deployed functions { MY_VAR: 'Some value' }
syncTimeout Timeout when executing synchronous functions syncTimeout: 300
asyncTimeout Timeout when executing asynchronous functions asyncTimeout: 1000
globalModules Modules that will be available to all functions globalModules: [ 'path/to/module' ]


req -> Request

Property Type Description
headers property HTTP Headers received from this request
query property HTTP parsed querystring
body property HTTP body decoded from json

res -> Response

Property Type Description
set(header, value) method set a HTTP Header value
status(statusCode) method change status code of this response, default: 200
send(body) method finalize the response sending body to the client
notModified() method finalize the response sending 304 without body
badRequest(msg) method finalize the response sending 400 with error msg
notFound(msg) method finalize the response sending 404 with error msg
unprocessableEntity(msg) method finalize the response sending 422 with error msg
internalServerError(msg) method finalize the response sending 500 with error msg

Pre-built exceptions

Class Description
NotModified() finalize the response sending 304 without body
BadRequest(msg) finalize the response sending 400 with error msg
NotFound(msg) finalize the response sending 404 with error msg
UnprocessableEntity(msg) finalize the response sending 422 with error msg
InternalServerError(msg) finalize the response sending 500 with error msg