In order to deploy succesfully this app, you need to follow this steps.
First, you have to have postgresql installed, please follow this documentation.
Then, you have to create a database following these commands:
~ psql
psql=# create database vinco;
Now Please create a table in order to interact with nodejs.
psql=# \c vinco
You are now connected to database "vinco" as user "me".
psql=# CREATE TABLE products(
title VARCHAR(100),
price DECIMAL,
category VARCHAR(100),
description TEXT,
image VARCHAR(200),
rating DECIMAL
Now let's configured nodejs connection with sql
Please, set up the configuration for postgresql in .env.local
, only these variables are neccesaries:
For example:
- PG_USER=me
- PG_HOST=localhost
- PG_PORT=5432
This variables are going to be consumed into queries.js file
After that erase ".local" from file, your final file should look like this: ".env"
Then run:
node index.js