
Server backend for native app live chat support

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live Chat Server

Server backend for native app live chat support written in Node.js. Includes XMPP server to respond to chat inquiries from XMPP clients. A working iOS Chat library with UI can be found here: https://github.com/soroushjp/Live-Chat-iOS-SDK

How to use:

  1. Download and install Node.js & MongoDB

  2. Start MongoDB Server

$ mongod
  1. Navigate to correct directory:
$ cd chatServer
  1. Install Chat Server dependencies:
$ npm install
  1. Start the server
$ cd chatServer
$ node server
  1. Connect to XMPP Client & Run Demo Mobile App

Native Mobile Cient-Server Protocol

Initialize Connection

Mobile Client Sends:

	messageType: 1,

On Success Server Returns:

	messageType: 1,
				author: "agent",
				timestamp: 1370930988910,
				content: "Hi, how may I help you?"

Send Message

Mobile Client or Server Sends:

	messageType: 2,
			author: "customer",
			timestamp: 1370930988914,
			content: "Hi, do you have this suit in grey?"

author: the sender (either "customer" or "agent")

On Recepit, Server/Client Returns:

	messageType: 4,
	request: 2,

Request: the messageType of the request that was successfully received

Agent Status

Server Sends:

	messageType: 3,
	status: "offline"

Status Options: offline, online, composing, paused

On Success Client Returns:

	messageType: 4,
	request: 3,

Error Message

Mobile Client OR Server Sends:

	messageType: 99,
	request: 1,
	error: "Invalid Company Public Key",	

Request: the messageType of the request that caused the error