
Progetto per esame Algoritmi Distribuiti - Multiplayer game with Pyro

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Strange Multiplayer Game

Algoritmi Distribuiti - Multiplayer game with Pyro
Fabio Bove | fabio.bove.dr@gmail.com | 216219@studenti.unimore.it

A Simple, but strange, multiplayer game.
In this game two players can challenge each other trying to find the number of occurrence of a given character in a word.
Seems easy, but the word is made from randomly chosen and shuffled characters. The length of a word makes a game easier or harder.

The fastest player wins and can continue to play - loser is kicked out from the server.

Configuration & Requirements

  • Windows Operating System with Python and pip
  • Recommended versions: Python 3.10.4 and pip 22.3.1

Go to the main directory and create/activate the virtual environment of the project.
To create one:

virtualenv pad-venv

Then import the needed packages from the "requirements.txt" file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to start the server

Go to the /src directory.
Just open a new terminal and type the following commands:

python -m Pyro4.naming
python run_server.py

Protocol Note

By default Pyro uses the PYRO protocol, that relies on Python's built-in pickle facility to create these messages. The transport over the network is done using TCP/IP.

How to start the client

Go to the /src directory.
To run type the following command on the terminal:

python run_client.py

Project Requests

All'esame deve essere mostrata l'applicazione in esecuzione e deve essere presentata una relazione che descrive il progetto realizzato e deve comprendere:

  • Descrizione dei requisiti, ed in particolare delle funzionalitĂ  messe a disposizione (ad es. tramite SRS);
  • Descrizione dell'architettura (ad es. tramite diagramma a blocchi o UML);
  • Descrizione dei protocolli usati (client-server o peer-to-peer, ad es. tramite diagrammi UML).