
:ice_cube: convert your dynamic django site to a static one with one line of code.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


django-freeze generates the static version of your django site.

Just run python manage.py generate_static_site :)


  • Generate the static version of your Django site, optionally compressed .zip file
  • Generate/download the static site using urls (only superuser and staff)
  • Follow sitemap.xml urls
  • Follow internal links founded in each page
  • Follow redirects
  • Report invalid/broken urls
  • Selectively include/exclude media and static files
  • Custom base url (very useful if the static site will run in a specific folder different by the document-root)
  • Convert urls to relative urls (very useful if the static site will run offline or in an unknown folder different by the document-root)
  • Prevent local directory index


  • Run pip install django-freeze
  • Add freeze to settings.INSTALLED_APPS
  • Enable the sites framework (instructions here)
  • Restart your application server

Configuration (optional)

All these settings are optional, if not defined in settings.py the default values (listed below) will be used.

#the absolute path where to store the .zip and the html files
#default value is a folder named 'freeze' located as sibling of 'settings.MEDIA_ROOT'
FREEZE_ROOT = '/...'

#tells 'freeze' if the urls should be fetched using https instead of http protocol (only if FREEZE_SITE_URL is not defined)

#the site-url to crawl, if not specified it will be autodetected using the sites app
FREEZE_SITE_URL = 'http://mydomain.com'

#the base-url for all links relative to root '/'
#useful if the generated static site will run in a specific folder which is not the document-root

#if True 'freeze' will convert all absolute urls to relative urls
#useful if the generated static site will run locally (file://) or in an unknown folder which is not the document-root (only if FREEZE_BASE_URL is not defined)

#if True 'freeze' will inject a script at the end of each page
#which will force hrefs like 'path/' to 'path/index.html' (only if the site is running under file://)
#useful if the generated static site will run locally (requires FREEZE_RELATIVE_URLS set to True) to prevent local directory index

#if True 'freeze' will fetch each url founded in sitemap.xml

#if True 'freeze' will follow and fetch recursively each link-url founded in each page

#if true 'freeze' will send an email to managers containing the list of all invalid urls (404, 500, etc..)

#the invalid urls email report subject
FREEZE_REPORT_INVALID_URLS_SUBJECT = '[freeze] invalid urls'

#if True the generated site will contain also the MEDIA folder and ALL its content
#elif the value is a list or tuple only the specified directories will be included
FREEZE_INCLUDE_MEDIA = ('cache', 'images', 'videos', )

#if True the generated site will contain also the STATIC folder and ALL its content
#elif the value is a list or tuple only the specified directories will be included
FREEZE_INCLUDE_STATIC = ('myapp1', 'myapp2', 'myapp3', )

#if True the generated site will be zipped, the *.zip file will be created in FREEZE_ROOT

#the name of the zip file created
FREEZE_ZIP_NAME = 'freeze'

#The request headers to use during the get requests that scrape the site
#can be used to set Authentication headers, by default sets the user-agent
FREEZE_REQUEST_HEADERS = {'user-agent': 'django-freeze'}

Add freeze.urls to urls.py if you want superusers and staff able to use freeze urls.

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^freeze/', include('freeze.urls')),



Run python manage.py generate_static_site


Superusers and staff can use the following urls to download a .zip containing the generated static site or to just generate the static website.



(the time necessary to generate the static site depends on the size of the project)


  • Write tests
  • Add sitemap.xml and robots.txt to the generated static site


# clone repository
git clone https://github.com/fabiocaccamo/django-extra-settings.git && cd django-extra-settings

# create virtualenv and activate it
python -m venv venv && . venv/bin/activate

# upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip

# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-test.txt

# install pre-commit to run formatters and linters
pre-commit install --install-hooks

# run tests
# or
python runtests.py
# or
python -m django test --settings "tests.settings"


Released under MIT License.


See also

  • django-admin-interface - the default admin interface made customizable by the admin itself. popup windows replaced by modals. ๐Ÿง™ โšก

  • django-cache-cleaner - clear the entire cache or individual caches easily using the admin panel or management command. ๐Ÿงนโœจ

  • django-colorfield - simple color field for models with a nice color-picker in the admin. ๐ŸŽจ

  • django-extra-settings - config and manage typed extra settings using just the django admin. โš™๏ธ

  • django-maintenance-mode - shows a 503 error page when maintenance-mode is on. ๐Ÿšง ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

  • django-redirects - redirects with full control. โ†ช๏ธ

  • django-treenode - probably the best abstract model / admin for your tree based stuff. ๐ŸŒณ

  • python-benedict - dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, I/O shortcuts (base64, csv, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xml, yaml) and many utilities. ๐Ÿ“˜

  • python-codicefiscale - encode/decode Italian fiscal codes - codifica/decodifica del Codice Fiscale. ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ’ณ

  • python-fontbro - friendly font operations. ๐Ÿงข

  • python-fsutil - file-system utilities for lazy devs. ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™‚๏ธ