
EdgeMAC image representation extractor for sketch-based image retrieval (Caffe models ported from original MatConvNet model)

Primary LanguagePython

EdgeMAC Extractor

This repo provides a containerized EdgeMAC image descriptor extractor with REST API. The implemented EdgeMAC descriptor is described in:

Radenovic, F., Tolias, G. and Chum, O., 2018. Deep shape matching. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) (pp. 751-767).

The Caffe models used here have been converted from the original MatConvNet models released by the authors (see the conversion/ folder for details about the conversion).


Build and run the docker container to have a HTTP REST EdgeMAC extractor service that accepts URLs or image uploads and returns a JSON array containing the extracted features. Check service.py for details about the API.

Check usage.sh if you want to use the extractor in batch/off-line mode.