
PyTorch port of models for Visual Sentiment Analysis pre-trained on the T4SA dataset.

Primary LanguagePython

Cross-Media Learning for Image Sentiment Analysis in the Wild

This repo contains the PyTorch-converted models for visual sentiment analysis trained on the T4SA (Twitter for Sentiment Analysis) dataset presented in [1].

[1] Vadicamo, L., Carrara, F., Cimino, A., Cresci, S., Dell'Orletta, F., Falchi, F. and Tesconi, M., 2017.
    Cross-media learning for image sentiment analysis in the wild.
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (pp. 308-317).


  1. Install Requirements: PyTorch

  2. Download the pretrained models:

  3. Use the predict.py script to make predictions on images. Example:

    python predict.py images_list.txt --model vgg19_finetuned_all --batch-size 64 > predictions.csv

    The output file contains three columns representing the probability of each image belonging respectively to the negative, neutral, and positive classes in this order.

Converting the original Caffe models

We adopted MMdnn to convert caffe models to PyTorch. We recommend using the pre-built Docker image:

docker pull mmdnn/mmdnn:cpu.small

First, download the original models available at http://t4sa.it and extract them following this folder structure:

├── hybrid_finetuned_all/
│   ├── deploy.prototxt
│   ├── mean.binaryproto
│   ├── snapshot_iter_34560.caffemodel
│   └── ...
├── hybrid_finetuned_fc6+/
│   ├── <same as above>
│   └── ...
├── vgg19_finetuned_all/
│   ├── <same as above>
│   └── ...
└── vgg19_finetuned_fc6+/
    ├── <same as above>
    └── ...

Then, run convert_models.sh:

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/workspace -w /workspace mmdnn/mmdnn:cpu.small bash ./convert_models.sh