- Highly visual drag and drop interface: Express your architecture with icons, regions and connectors.
- Customizable: Easily extend Isoflow with your own icons.
- Export options: Export diagrams as code or images.
- Keyboard & mouse shortcuts (undo / redo, copy / paste, zoom in / out)
🚢 Shipped
- Export options
- Docker image
- Modifiable connector segments
- Display labels over connectors
- Layer re-ordering (bring forward / send to back)
- Allow custom colours
- Export diagrams as images
- Allow main menu to be customised
- Fit diagram to viewport
- Pan & zoom controls
- Nodes, connectors & groups
- Local storage support
- Icon support for AWS, GCP, Azure, K8S & generic network hardware (e.g. server, database)
- Event callbacks
- Documentation site
Install the Isoflow editor npm package and isopacks (icon packages):
npm install isoflow
npm install @isoflow/isopacks
For more information, see our documentation.
Demo the latest version of Isoflow on CodeSandbox. The sandbox will always be synced with the main
branch on the Github repo, and also includes the latest version of the developer documentation.
Isoflow is free to use for personal and commercial projects. If you're using Isoflow commercially and require support, please get in touch. We are also looking for project sponsors.
- Isoflow is actively being worked on. Missing something or found a bug? Report it here or join our Discord server.
- Want to contribute? See good first issues.