

Primary LanguageHCL

In Development.......

Terraform script to create Security Control Policies - SCP

In Details this script will create a SCP who doesn't allow accounts leave Organization.
## Check out the script

## Provider config
provider "aws" {
    region  = "us-east-1"
    profile = "payer"

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    profile                     = "lab"
    bucket                      = "meu-curso-aws-terraform-remote-state-dev"
    key                         = "scp/scp.tfstate"
    region                      = "us-east-1"
    encrypt                     = true
#    skip_requesting_account_id  = true
#    skip_credentials_validation = true
#    skip_get_ec2_platforms      = true
#    skip_metadata_api_check     = true

#module "scp_prevent_leave_orgs" {
#    source = "./terraform-aws-organizations-policy/"

resource "aws_organizations_policy" "preventLeaveorganizations" {

    name            = "Senior-PreventLeaveOrganizations"
    description     = "SCP Senior Sistemas - Prevent Leave Organizations"
    type            = "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"

    # Policy
    content  = <<CONTENT
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "PreventLeaveOrganizations",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": "organizations:LeaveOrganization",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "ArnNotLike": {
          "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/aws-reserved/sso.amazonaws.com/AWSReservedSSO_CompassoInternoAdmins*"


#SCP preventLeaveorganizations

#Organization Account
#resource "aws_organizations_policy_attachment" "account" {
#  policy_id = aws_organizations_policy.preventLeaveorganizations.id
#  target_id = "977077455949"

#Organization Root

resource "aws_organizations_policy_attachment" "root" {
  policy_id = aws_organizations_policy.preventLeaveorganizations.id
  target_id = "r-xu7c"

#Organization Unit

#resource "aws_organizations_policy_attachment" "OU" {
#  policy_id = aws_organizations_policy.preventLeaveorganizations.id
#  target_id = "ou-xu7c-0uv7ba3r"


Name Version
aws ~> 3.*
terraform ~> v1.0.5