
This project enables automation in exposing Docker containers via NGINX.

Primary LanguagePython

Docker Nginxify

This project enables automation in exposing Docker containers via NGINX. In particular, it:

  1. parses JSON configurations and create conf files
  2. creates a NGINX instance with mounted folders
  3. generates basic authentication file
  4. exposes basic admin via the manage.sh file

Manage via manage.sh

usage manage.sh [clean_conf | gen_default | gen_all | start | restart | reload | stop]


  1. clean_conf: removes all the configuration from nginx/conf.d/
  2. gen_default: generates only the default.conf file
  3. gen_all: generates all the configurations files from the nginx_conf.json file
  4. start: starts the docker container of nginx
  5. restart: restarts the docker container
  6. reload: reloads the configuration in nginx/conf.d/
  7. stop: stops the container and clean the current folder

Manual Configurations

Generate Proxy configurations

The python script nginxify.py can be used to generate *.conf files.

./nginxify.py --help

usage: nginxify.py [-h] [--default ONLY_DEFAULT] [--dest DEST_FOLDER]
                   [--conf CONFS_FILE] [--overwrite OVERWRITE]

nginx conf generator

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --default ONLY_DEFAULT
                        if true generate only the default configurations
  --dest DEST_FOLDER    The folder to save the *.conf files. Default value
  --conf CONFS_FILE     The json file with the configurations. Default value
  --overwrite OVERWRITE
                        True to overwrite all the configurations files

Json File Structure

The file contains a list of proxies with:

  • name: the name of the proxy
  • server_names: the name of the domain name to expose the service
  • docker_name: the name or ip address of the docker container to expose
  • docker_port: the internal port of the container
  • secured: if the service should be secured with nginx auth_basic
  "proxies": [
      "name": "spark",
      "servers": [
      "dockers": [
      "secured": true
      "name": "es",
      "servers": [
      "dockers": [
      "docker_name": "es-data-0",
      "docker_port": "9200",
      "secured": true
      "name": "datatoknowledge",
      "servers": [
      "dockers": [
      "secured": false

Password generator

The script password_generator.py can be used to generate a file that stores the access passwords. By default it stores all the password in /nginx/htpasswd/secure. This file is mapped to the running docker container.


./password_generator.py --help
usage: password_generator.py [-h] [--file DEST_FOLDER] [--user USER]
                             [--pwd PWD]

nginx auth file generator

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --file DEST_FOLDER  the folder to save the new username:password pair
  --user USER         the username for the new user
  --pwd PWD           the password for the new user

Index 404 and 50x pages

As default there is a custom_404 custom_50x and index page in the folder ./nginx/www/html. If you need you can change these pages.


  • To generate NGINX conf via json configuration file
  • To start an NGINX instance via dockr-compose
  • To generate basic authentications
  • To generate json file from docker inspection
  • To generate json file from weave inspection
  • To implement web admin gui