
Kafka laboratory with HA built in

Primary LanguageHTML

Why Kafka Laboratory

I was taking to long to prepare the environment every time I had to study something related to Kafka, basically because if you want to run tests in a environment with the minimum requirements for HA you need at least 3 servers for Zookeeper and 3 servers for kafka, all to ensure HA and avoid split brain.

If you are new to Kafka, I strongly recommend going through kafka documentation, you can also take a look in this course, which is basic but extremely helpful.

To make it more useful, I also prepared the Zookeeper and Kafka to be both managed by systemd, which means you can manage the services like this:

systemctl start zookeeper
systemctl stop zookeeper
systemctl restart zookeeper

systemctl start kafka
systemctl stop kafka
systemctl restart kafka


Installed on your desktop

  • Fedora 24 (My host Operating System)
  • Vagrant 1.9.4
  • Virtualbox 5.1.20

Will be installed by the automation

  • CentOS 7
  • Chef
  • mDNS
  • Zookeeper
  • Kafka


  • Create and boot VirtualBox instances
  • Provision the hosts with all necessary tools
  • You can SSH into the instances using vagrant ssh <host>
  • Automatic SSH key generation to access your hosts through vagrant


After install vagrant and virtualbox on your desktop, you can clone this repo. After that, just bring up the environment whit vagrant up command, make sure you are in the right directory and Vagrantfile is on the same path where you type the command to start the provisioning.

Depending on how many hosts you require for your environment, you can change the host variables (zookeeper_boxes and kafka_boxes) on Vagrantfile.

As soon as you have your topology up and running, download the kafka binaries to your desktop, expand the tarball and then test your environment with the commands bellow:

First Terminal

./kafka-topics.sh --create --topic MyTopic --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --zookeeper zookeeper1.local:2181,zookeeper2.local:2181,zookeeper3.local:2181  

./kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list kafka1.local:9092,kafka2.local:9092,kafka3.local:9092 --topic MyTopic

Here, type some "Hello World" messages, then open a second terminal to consume those messages.

Second Terminal

./kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server kafka1.local:9092,kafka2.local:9092,kafka3.local:9092 --topic MyTopic

Keep in mind that this is my personal laboratory, you can prepare you're production environment following this steps, but make sure you know what you're doing.