
This repo contains some initial experiments with the Go programming language

Project structure

Every folder contains an example, and all the examples share the same structure:

  ├─ Dockerfile
  └─ <src folder>
         ├─ <go module definition>
         ├─ <go entrypoint file>
         └─ ...

All the dockerfiles have a common multistaged build structure nad accept an input parameter (which by definition is the name of the folder)

Build and run the project

The project can simply be built using docker; to simplify this (And based on the conventions applied to the dockerfile), from the root of the repo simply run:

./run <name of the single project folder without '/'>

To continuously watch for changes in a project folder and react building and running it, execute:

./watchrun <name of the single project folder without '/'>

When the project ot run needs to be exposed on a specific port, the above command can be changed into:

./watchrun <name of the single project folder without '/'> expose <port to expose>

The port (let's assume 8080) in this case will be exposed with the docker run option -p 8080:8080