Santex RBI Team - Front End Training Challenge

Quick challenge to help candidates to join RBI Team to catch up with currently used technologies

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


  • Get familiar with Styled Components as styling strategy
  • Get a good understanding of Apollo Client and how to integrate Graphql to a React front end application
  • Use Graphql Fragments
  • Acquire good practices with Jest and testing both components and hooks
  • Review React hooks concepts and develop custom hooks


  • Implement a home page with a grid of products that includes product picture, description and price (from any product variant). Hint: use Graphql query.
  • Create a "Buy" button for each product in the greed and implement a mutation to update an order everytime a user clicks on that button. The mutation is called addItemToOrder. Hint: look into the API documentation section of this document
  • Implement app header component that includes the subtotal of the current order and persists through page refresh. Hint: use Graphql mutation and Context API
  • Add custom hook named useStateWithStorage with same API as useState hook but adding local storage capabilities. Can be used for header subtotal
  • Create tests for grid UI item and other components

API documentation

Even thought the app is already connected to a graphql endpoint, the trainee can find here all required information about queries, mutations and Graphql types.


The node version used by this project is v16.20.2


Install application dependecies

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.