
My awesome serverless news website running on AWS

Primary LanguageHCL

SWZ News

Projects description

4 projects share this repository:

The master account is responsible for the initial setup on AWS for the following components:

  • Terraform S3/DynamoDB backend (state management)
  • CodePipeline and CodeDeploy for Terraform management responsible for both Terraform AWS master account and Terraform AWS SWZ News account.
    • Pipeline for Terraform has the following steps:
      • Pull source
      • Terraform plan
      • Confirm (Manual approval)
      • Terraform apply

Terraform project used to manage SWZ News project infrastructure.

The backend project is a Serverless application responsible for the following endpoints:

  • GET /news
  • GET /news/:slug
  • POST /news

The frontend is a regular CRA responsible for:

  • displaying a list with news
  • displaying a news item

Cloud Components used on this application

The following components have been used to build and run this application


Frontend, API, and Authorization subdomains using HTTPS


Serverless framework orchestration

Cloudfront (Webserver)

  • Website static files server
  • React SPA 404 error handling
  • Cache
  • Access restricted to The Netherlands
  • API Gateway Edge-optimized

CodePipeline and CodeBuild

Pipeline for testing, building, and deploying both frontend and serverless backend.


Identity manager providing OAuth2 client credentials grant for POST /news endpoint


Storing Terraform state and news


Roles and policies configuring the accesses to the following resources:

  • KMS
  • CodePipeline
  • CodeBuild
  • Serverless deployment
  • Serverless Lambda functions
  • S3 buckets policies
  • Cross account roles


Encrypting/decrypting data stored on S3, SQS and API Gateway cache

Lambda functions

Serverless functions and SQS consumer


DNS management

  • SSL Validations
  • Subdomains
    • Website
    • API
    • OAuth2 Token endpoint

S3 Buckets

Data storage for:

  • Pipeline artifacts
  • logs
  • Serverless deployment artifacts
  • Terraform state
  • File uploads


Simple queue for data coming from POST /news endpoint and processed by a Lambda function

Performance, scalability and availability considerations

API Gateway

By default, API Gateway allows for up to 10,000 requests per second.



Lambda functions

Q: How available are AWS Lambda functions?

AWS Lambda is designed to use replication and redundancy to provide high availability for both the service itself and for the Lambda functions it operates. There are no maintenance windows or scheduled downtimes for either.

Q: How do I scale an AWS Lambda function?

You do not have to scale your Lambda functions – AWS Lambda scales them automatically on your behalf.



Cloudfront speeds up distribution of your static and dynamic web content for both API backend and static frontend files.


DynamoDB scalability depends on the min/max levels of read and write capacity. Alternativaly, it's possible to configure the billing mode to on-demand pricing and AWS will take care of the scalability of the database.

For this application it not used on-demand pricing as the project has only data read through CloudFront, which provides a great cache layer for GET requests, and it has SQS for writing data to the database.


SQS doesn't improve writing speed to the database, but it provides a great application decoupling, and a CQRS approach for future developments.

API Documentation