Awesome list of Cuban open source projects. Just to know what is being openly developed in Cuba...
- BacheSMS: Send SMS from Nauta Email.
- BankDroid: Transfermovil messages' cool interpreter.
- daxSmail: Email client based on k9mail with some changes to simplify configuring Nauta email accounts.
- Es WIFI_ETECSA?: Checks for security vulnerabilities while connecting to WIFI_ETECSA.
- Escala Geriátrica: "Escala Geriátrica de Evaluación Funcional Global" is an instrument used in Cuba to evaluate elder people autonomy. This is an Android implementation.
- FotoRecarga: Easily reload credit from ETECSA coupons using the camera on your smartphone.
- MetroTrans: Transaction viewer for Transfermovil Cuban app.
- NautaClear: Simple app to clean Nauta email account.
- ShakeItOff: Turn off your Android phone screen by shaking it.
- UCIntlm: ntlm proxy (no root required) for Android.
- rocketchat_API: REST API wrapper for Rocket.Chat.
- Si5351: an alternative library for the Si5351 etherkit official one, very small and with more clean signals.
- FT-857D CAT control: a library that allows you to simulate a Yaesu Radio FT-857D with your arduino, very usefull for ham radio projects.
- Yatuli: Yet another tune lib, you don't have a rotary encoder for a project? no problem use a linear potentiometer fot that.
- Bmux: you need a few buttons in your project but you run out of pins? no problem put up to 8 buttons in just one analog pin; with click and hold feature in the correct way.
- stepperUnipolar: A non-blocking stepper Library to control unipolar Motors, with some tricks under the hood (power saving!)
- amake you loves arduino but hate the Arduino IDE, no problem you can use your preffered editor and use amake under the hood to compile and upload the code. (Linux only)
- carrito & carrito-control a cuban hombrewed small car project from scrap parts.
- arduino-arcs Amateur Radio Control Solution, a complete solution for a front panel to modernize old or homebrew hamradio equipment.
- Multi Porobe SWR meter a inteligent meter for SWR and POWER readings for ham radio transmitters, also has a automatic mode to control ICOM antenna tuners.
- FreeLibrary: Digital library where users can upload personal and third-party books.
- q-guide: Q-Guide is a frontend to the ETECSA numbers database.
- TeamReference: Team reference for Competitive Programming. Algorithms implementations very used in the ACM-ICPC contests. Good Latex template to develop your own team reference.
- GluePHP: Single page applications development framwork using the event driven development paradigm.
- mailProc: Mail based services microframework.
- Phaser Editor 2D: Fully visual HTML5 2D game development tool (website). Games are based on the Phaser framework.
- vmq_cloudwatch_metrics: VerneMQ plugin to send broker metrics to AWS CloudWatch.
- vernemq_kinesis: VerneMQ plugin that aggregates and sends MQTT messages to AWS Kinesis.
- lager_logentries: Backend for Lager (the Erlan logger) to send logs to Logentries ( via Token TCP.
- Videomorph: GUI wrapper for ffmpeg.
- Sheldon: Tool to help donwload repositories for Debian/GNU Linux based distros using apt-mirror.
- Tinp: tinP is not PSC. Debian based customized repository creator. Core and CLI.
- Div Software Solutions: Open Source SDK (a set of libs, frameworks and tools for software development)
- Multicp: Copy files to multiple destinations faster.
- nauta-cli: command line utility to manage Nauta captive portal.
- nauta-cli: fork on the previous.
- simple-backup: a simple way to backup a directory using the storage server with Amazon S3 compatible API like (Minio, Spaces)
- react-hooks-toolbox: Collection of reactjs hooks.
- exclusivo-entrada-plugin: Wordpress plugin to add a phrase or word at the beggining of every entry title..
- fastcode-ci: CLI commands for CodeIgniter 4 that allows to quickly create repetitive code.
- HierarchyTrait: Add hierarchical functionalities to a class.
- Massive Email for OsClass plugins: Massive email marketing plugin for OsClass CMS.
- ObjectCollection: Class to represent a collection of objects of the same type.
- OJS Social Metatags: Adds Open Graph and Twitter Cards meta tags to Open Journal System based websites.
- PyramidalTests: Extends applications of PHPUnit to the BDD field.
- symfony-skeleton-vkernel: Start point to build multiple Symfony applications with shared config, code and vendors in the same place/repo.
- Twenty'em WordPress Framework: Wordpress framwork supporting Spanish language.
- yii2-contactform-module: Yii2 module to include contact forms.
- yii2-taggedview: Yii2 extension to add standard HTML metatags and social one (Open Graph and Twitter Cards) in order to crontribute to webiste SEO.
- yii2-thumbnailer: Yii2 extension to generate (any size) thumbnails for any image on the fly.
- yii2-uploader-behavior: Yii2 extension to simplifly the process of uploading a file using a behavior that can be attached to models.
- yii2-website-module: Yii2 module to create blog type websites without restricting what you can do within a Yii2 application.
- Wordpress Microplugins: Add functionality to a Worpress website with code from admin interface.
- django-ajax: Django library for AJAX operations.
- django-js-choices: JavaScript model's fields choices handling for Django.
- django-partial-date: Django custom model field for partial dates with the form YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD.
- django-pgschemas: Django multi-tenancy using PostgreSQL schemas.
- Spia: Simple Python internationalization API.
- web2py-media-gallery: Global media gallery plugin for web2py
- web2py-no-captcha-security: No-Captcha security plugin for the web2py framework to enable bot protection using no-captcha techniques.
- web2py-simple-seo: Simple SEO metadata plugin for web2py including Open Graph and Twitter Cards.
- web2py-thumbnails: Thumbnails plugin for the web2py framework.
- web2py-typeahead: typeahead.js autocompletion widget for web2py framework.
- quotation_followup: Odoo (Formerly OpenERP) module to follow up quotations by mail.
- HTTP2COM: Windows Service that makes bi-directional proxy between HTTP and Serial Port. Can be used for web apps to access the local hardware from the brwser.
- kings-landing: A modern, simple and customizable landing page dedicated to early customer acquisition for frugal entrepreneurs. Think it as an open-source alternative to LaunchRock without spending 5 bucks monthly.