
Multisite in django — use one Django app to serve multiple domains

Primary LanguagePython


Get the code via git:

git clone git://github.com/ecometrica/django-multisite.git django-multisite


python setup.py install

Or add the django-multisite/multisite folder to your PYTHONPATH.

If you wish to contribute, instead run:

python setup.py develop


Replace your SITE_ID in settings.py to:

from multisite import SiteID
SITE_ID = SiteID(default=1)

Add these to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Add to your settings.py TEMPLATES loaders in the OPTIONS section:

        'OPTIONS': {
            'loaders': (

Or for Django 1.7 and earlier, add to settings.py TEMPLATES_LOADERS:


Edit to settings.py MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:


Append to settings.py, in order to use a custom cache that can be safely cleared:

# The cache connection to use for django-multisite.
# Default: 'default'

# The cache key prefix that django-multisite should use.
# Default: '' (Empty string)

If you have set CACHE_MULTISITE_ALIAS to a custom value, e.g. 'multisite', add a separate backend to settings.py CACHES:

    'default': {
    'multisite': {
        'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
        'TIMEOUT': 60 * 60 * 24,  # 24 hours

Domain fallbacks

By default, if the domain name is unknown, multisite will respond with an HTTP 404 Not Found error. To change this behaviour, add to settings.py:

# The view function or class-based view that django-multisite will
# use when it cannot match the hostname with a Site. This can be
# the name of the function or the function itself.
# Default: None
MULTISITE_FALLBACK = 'django.views.generic.base.RedirectView

# Keyword arguments for the MULTISITE_FALLBACK view.
# Default: {}
MULTISITE_FALLBACK_KWARGS = {'url': 'http://example.com/',
                             'permanent': False}

Create a directory settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS directory with the names of domains, such as:

mkdir templates/example.com

Cross-domain cookies

In order to support cross-domain cookies, for purposes like single-sign-on, prepend the following to the top of settings.py MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:


CookieDomainMiddleware will consult the Public Suffix List for effective top-level domains. It caches this file in the system's default temporary directory as effective_tld_names.dat. To change this in settings.py:

MULTISITE_PUBLIC_SUFFIX_LIST_CACHE = '/path/to/multisite_tld.dat'

By default, any cookies without a domain set will be reset to allow *.domain.tld. To change this in settings.py:

MULTISITE_COOKIE_DOMAIN_DEPTH = 1  # Allow only *.subdomain.domain.tld

In order to fetch a new version of the list, run:

manage.py update_public_suffix_list


To run the tests:

python setup.py test

Before deploying a change, to verify it has not broken anything you should run:


This runs the tests under every supported combination of Django and Python, isolated by creating virtualenvs. If a test breaks, it will quit, with the virtualenv intact in .venv-python2, or .venv-python3, depending on what broke. You can investigate the broken version manually with:

. .venv-python2/bin/activate  # or .venv-python3
python setup.py test

(of course, as new versions are supported and old are retired, please keep test_versions up to date)