Repository dedicated to storing every exercise and relevant content during Trybe's journey.
Trybe is a 1-year intensive course on becoming a full-stack web developer. During this period, several exclusive and interactive contents are developed by each student, covering mostly - but not exclusively - these topics:
- HTML (w/ semantics)
- CSS (w/ responsive)
- Javascript (ES6+)
- Git & Github
- Bash & Shell Script
- NodeJS
- ReactJS
- No SQL (w/ mongodb)
- Unit Tests
- Python
- Algorithm logic
If you want quick access to each module, you can either select their respective directory or go through here:
- Module 01 - Bash & Shell Script
- Module 02 - Git & Github
- Module 03 - HTML & CSS Introduction
- Module 04 - JavaScript Introduction
- Module 05 - DOM Manipulation
- Module 06 - Full Front-End Introduction
- Module 07 - Javascript ES6 & Unitary Tests
- Module 08 - Higher Order Functions (HOF)
- Module 09 - Asynchronous Javascript
- Module 10 - Jest
- Module 11 - React Introduction
- Module 12 - React States, Events and Forms
- Module 13 - React Component Lifecycle & Routing
- Module 14 - Agile Development
- Module 15 - React Testing Library
- Module 16 - Redux
- Module 17 - Group Project: React & Redux
- Module 18 - React Hooks & Context API
- Module 19 - Final Frontend project: Recipes App
- Module 20 - SQL Introduction
- Module 21 - SQL Functions, Joins & Subqueries
- Module 22 - SQL Database Modeling
- Module 23 - MongoDB Introduction
- Module 24 - MongoDB Document Updates
- Module 25 - MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline
- Module 26 - NodeJS Introduction
- Module 27 - NodeJS Software Architecture (REST/RESTFUL)
- Module 28 - NodeJS Authentication and File Uploads
- Module 29 - Deployment
- Module 30 - Solid Architecture & ORM
- Module 31 - Sockets
- Module 32 - Computer Network & Architecture
- Module 33 - Python Introduction
- Module 34 - Python & Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Module 35 - Python Algorithms & Complexity
- Module 36 - Data Structures I
- Module 37 - Data Structures II