
Ecoleta's application, developed during Rocketseat's Next Level Week 11, with modifications of my own.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Ecoleta's application, developed during Rocketseat's Next Level Week 11, with modifications of my own.

Here i try to use every knowledge i'm collecting through the start of my career in practice.

The application itself is a website for recycling companies to register their pickup points and for users to search and find those points.

Application Overview


Content Proposed

The proposal of the application was to have 3 pages:

  • Home
  • Submission form
  • Registered Places


A simple page consisting of a header for navigating to the submission form and a button that would trigger a modal to search for cities/states to see it's registered places.

Submission form

A page containing a header to go back to the home page and the submission form, consisting of inputs for a name, an img URL, and an address, with 2 calls to IBGE's API to get the list of brazilian states and, once a state was selected, to get every city of that state.

The form also had an interactive selection of 6 different types of materials to be recycled, animated with CSS.

Registered Places

A page that would show every place of the city or state searched by the user. The search was constructing on the backend with JS and SQL.

Content Added By Me

In addition to what was proposed, my application got:

  • An extra 'about us' page;
  • A global footer, structured for every page;
  • Improved submission form, with an extra external API call and more fields;
  • Extra 'form protection' to validate data input before allowing submission, such as checking if the img provided is a valid URL, with dynamic output on screen for the user:

URL validation

  • A descriptive tool-tip;
  • 2 API routes for the application;
  • An animated and customized pop-up that tells the user what's wrong when trying to submit the form with invalid information;


  • All around responsivity, with a focus on different smartphone widths.
  • Added the search bar to the registered places' page, properly formatting it.

As always, any feedback or suggestion is welcomed.