
A tiny library providing the basic ANSI colors for the terminal.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Tiny Colors

A tiny library providing the basic ANSI colors for the terminal.


npm install tiny-colors


The following color functions are provided.

Foreground Background Modifiers
black bgBlack reset
red bgRed bold
green bgGreen dim
yellow bgYellow italic
blue bgBlue underline
magenta bgMagenta overline
cyan bgCyan inverse
white bgWhite hidden
gray bgGray strikethrough


import colors, {ENABLED} from 'tiny-colors';

// Unchained usage

console.log ( colors.bgMagenta ( colors.italic ( 'foo' ) ) );

// Chained usage

console.log ( colors.bgMagenta.italic ( 'foo' ) );

// Check if colors will actually be displayed

console.log ( ENABLED ); // => true/false


MIT © Fabio Spampinato