
A proof of concept for library connecting Mercury to R

Primary LanguageMercury

An R interface for Mercury

The module is labelled 'ri' for 'R Interface'.


  • Preliminary design and programming completed.
  • Currently the library builds and linked programs build with it (30 April 2021).
  • univ-based procedures to be fixed.


  • A recent version development of R (> 2.4), installed with common dependencies.

  • R should have been built from source with:

      $ ./configure --enable-R-shlib

    The configuration file config.h should replace the one distributed at the root of the source directory. Alternatively, you may use a standard R distribution, provided that libR.so is installed. In this case, please adjust config.h manually to your platform paths and dependencies.

  • If R is not at least 4.0, the header files in the root directory should be replaced from a fresh R source package (they are not normally distributed as public headers).

  • GCC (8+)


It should be built as follows:

  1. First check file Mercury options, and adjust paths and library names according to your platform specifications.

  2. Run at the root of the source directory:

         $ mmc --make libri.install
  3. If the build is successful, libraries are to be found under local/lib/mercury/lib/{*.gc}

    To build a Mercury project against these libraries:

         $ mmc … --search-lib-files-dir local/lib/mercury/lib/hlc.gc \
                 --init-file local/lib/mercury/modules/hlc.gc/ri.init \
                 --link-object local/lib/mercury/lib/hlc.gc/libri.a \
                 --ld-flags "-lR -lRblas" \

Change 'hlc.gc' to the appropriate build grade (like possibly 'asm_fast.gc'). You will need a GC grade (this is unchecked in the build process). You will have to erase '-lRblas' from the above if R has been built without libRblas. You need to make sure the library ‘libri.a’ and the main program were compiled in the same grade.