We propose an extension of the spherical K-means algorithm to deal with settings where the number of data points is largely inferior to the number of dimensions. We assume the data to lie in local and dense regions of the original space and we propose to embed each cluster into its specific ellipsoid. A new objective function is introduced, analytical solutions are derived and exploited for the update of both the centroids and the associated ellipsoids. Furthermore, a study on the complexity of this algorithm highlights that it is of same order as the regular K-means algorithm.
spherical K means implementations:
- http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/skmeans/index.html
- http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/32987-the-spherical-k-means-algorithm
clustering, high-dimension, feature selection, spherical k-means, textmining, information retrieval, C++.
[dzogang et al., 2012] An ellipsoidal K-means for document clustering 12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'2012) - pp. 221--230 Dzogang, Fabon and Marsala, Christophe and Lesot, Marie-Jeanne and Rifqi, Maria
run in a terminal:
cd < ellkm_directory > && ./configure && make
run in a terminal:
bash ./example.sh
./ellkm < data_dir > < sparsity parameter (real \\in [0,0.5], s=0 yields spkm) > < K > [ user_centroids 1 | 0] > log_run
dataset_dir is a directory structured as follow :
- dataset_1.csv
- dataset_2.csv
- ...
- dataset_N.csv
where dataset_i.csv, i \in [1..N] are N datasets to be clustered sequentially in a streaming scenario. Ellkm will process each dataset successively in increasing order of their indices: each run results in a partitionning that evolve with the dynamics of the input data and demonstrates the evolution of communities discovered over time.
Input csv files must be formatted as `,' separated columns, they describe a matrix X of n documents embedded in a m-dimensional feature spaces.
The first column is the identifier of a data sample. All other columns described the data in feature space as follows:
Data can all also be given in sparse format:
where sparse indices start at index 1 and are given in increasing order.
The number of columns of the N input files need not be equal. Ellkm handle the addition of new features over time.
- v2.0)
- input data can be read in sparse format and in scientific notation
- vectors are now outputed in sparse format
- more readable output
- weight vectors are now accessible on the standard output
- v1.0)
- User centroids : it is now possible to provide ellkm with initial centroids, e.g
when K clusters make up a partition and ellkm is invoked with an additional
command line argument, then the first K lines ofdata_dir
are used to initialise the K centroids. - a different seed (given by
) is now used for each run - a bug led to the double insertion of the last point from each csv dataset.
- User centroids : it is now possible to provide ellkm with initial centroids, e.g
when K clusters make up a partition and ellkm is invoked with an additional
- command line options : maximum number of iteration (default to 20), minimum threshold value for objective function (default to 10^(-9)). Now these options needs to be specified at compile time (-D MAX_STEPS=XX -D MIN_THRESHOLD=XX)
- include gap procedure as described in [dzogang et al., 2012]
- R binding