SARS-CoV-2 (Va)riant (Qu)antification in s(E)wage, designed for (Ro)bustness
The newer version of VaQuERo, denoted VaQuERo_v2.r allows to deconvolute also hierarchically nested variants. This allows to have a more fine grained lineages resolution despite the increasing diversity of simultaneously circulating lineages. We encourage all users to switch to the newest version of the tool and the marker mutation. The old version is kept for backward compability but no more actively maintained.
Rscript scripts/VaQuERo_v2.r > vaquero.log
Takes allele frequencies in table formate and associated meta data and quantifies different virus variants as defined in provided marker mutation file. The workflow first calls 'detected' variants and subsequently quantifies the abundance of the detected variants based on the observed non-zero frequencies using a SIMPLEX regression.
For testing if all required packages are available, please run
time Rscript VaQuERo/scripts/VaQuERo_v2.r --debug TRUE
scripts/VaQuERo_v2.r [options]
Directory to write results [default: ExampleOutput]
Name of country used to produce map [default: Austria]
Bounding box most south point [default: 46.38]
Bounding box most norther point [default: 49.01]
Bounding box most western point [default: 9.53]
Bounding box most easter point [default: 17.15]
Path to meta data input file [default: data/metaDataSub.tsv]
Path to marker mutation input file [default: resources/mutations_list.csv]
Path to special mutation input file [default: resources/mutations_special.csv]
Path to problematic mutations input file, which will be omitted throughout [default: resources/mutations_problematic_all.csv]
Path to data input file [default: data/mutationDataSub.tsv]
Deprecated, for backwards compatibility only. Path to data input file in deprected old sparse table file format. Only effective together with --inputformat=sparse. [default: data/mutationDataSub.tsv]
For backwards compatibility, set to 'sparse' to use input from --data2. Description of deprecated sparse table file format see file [default: tidy]
Base size of plot width [default: 8]
Base size of plot height [default: 4.5]
Minimal fraction of genome covered by reads to be considered (0-1) [default: 0.4]
Minimal allele frequency to be considered [default: 0.02]
Minimal depth at mutation locus to be considered [default: 75]
How old (in days) most recent sample might be to be still considered in overview maps [default: 99]
Produce timecourse plots only if more than this timepoints are available [default: 3]
Minimal absolute number of uniq markers that variant is considered detected [default: 3]
Minimal fraction of uniq markers that variant is considered detected [default: 0]
Minimal absolute number of markers that variant is considered detected [default: 3]
Minimal fraction of markers that variant is considered detected [default: 0]
Number of previous timepoints use for smoothing [default: 1]
Previous timepoints for smoothing are ignored if more days than this days apart [default: 8]
List of variants which should be plotted in more detail. List separated by semicolon [default: B.1.1.7;B.1.617.2;P.1;B.1.351]
List of variants which should be plotted at the bottom axis. List separated by semicolon [default: B.1.1.7;B.1.617.2]
List of base variants. All offsprings of these variants will be assigned with similar colors in the respective plots [default: BA.1;BA.2;BA.5]
-h, --help
Show help message and exit.
Set to TRUE to use provided input example file [default: FALSE].
A TAB separated tidy table, specifying for each mutation and each sample its allele frequency and sequencing depth. The helper script assists to create this file directly from a list of vcf files.
$1 | SAMPLEID | SAMPLE1 | sample name |
$2 | CHROM | NC_045512.2 | chromosome name |
$3 | POS | 3002 | position |
$4 | REF | G | reference base |
$5 | ALT | T | alternative base |
$6 | GENE | ORF1ab | annotation gene |
$7 | AA | E913stop | AA substitution |
$8 | AF | 0.997152 | Allele frequency |
$9 | DP | 16855 | Sequencing depth |
$10 | PQ | 49314 | positional quality |
A previously used sparse table file format is still supported for backwards compatibility. See --data2 and --inputformat for details how to invoke it. See the file for a specification of this file format.
needs the package pysam
to be installed (eg. via pip
or conda
It takes a vcf file, a directory with vcfs, or a list with paths to vcf files as an input and creates a tidy table fit as input for VaQuERo.
You can test it with the vcf files in data/vcf2tsv
in the following ways on files with and without SNPEFF annotations, merged samples, all vcf files in a directory or a list of files:
python3 scripts/ -i data/vcf2tsv/CoV_29633_S117400.vcf.gz | less
python3 scripts/ -i data/vcf2tsv/CoV_29634_S117319_ann.vcf | less
python3 scripts/ -i data/vcf2tsv/merged_samples.vcf.gz | less
python3 scripts/ -i data/vcf2tsv/ | less
python3 scripts/ -i data/vcf2tsv/vcf_files.txt | less
To redirect output to a new file, append to an existing file and filter with a certain minimal allele frequency (default 0.01):
python3 scripts/ -i data/vcf2tsv/merged_samples.vcf.gz -m 0.1 -o test_input.tsv.gz
python3 scripts/ -i data/vcf2tsv/CoV_29634_S117319_ann.vcf --append -m 0.1 -o test_input.tsv.gz
The meta data file connects each sample as defined in the mutation file with the sampling location and time. Each samples included in allele frequency file must be specified here.
$1 | BSF_run | BSF_0895 | Sequencing batch |
$2 | BSF_sample_name | SAMPLE1 | Seq. sample name |
$3 | BSF_start_date | 2021-01-18 | Seq. date |
$4 | LocationID | ATTP_10-Krezlin | Sample loction ID |
$5 | LocationName | Krezlin | Sample location name |
$6 | N_in_Consensus | 125 | Nr. Of N in consensus seq |
$7 | RNA_ID_int | SAMPLE1 | Sample name |
$8 | additional_information | Ct = xx.2 | any add. info |
$9 | adress_town | Krezlin | Sampling Town |
$10 | connected_people | 1234567 | Nr. of conncected people |
$11 | dcpLatitude | 48.50452605 | latitude |
$12 | dcpLongitude | 11.70669547 | lingitude |
$13 | include_in_report | TRUE | should be reported (F |
$14 | report_category | fictional | included in which report |
$15 | sample_date | 2020-12-20 | sample date |
$16 | status | passed_qc | status (passed |
The marker mutation file links the mutation expected to be seen in a variant (sensitivity) for all variants. Table is comma separated. If one mutation is sensitive for more than one variants, a list of variants (semicolon separated) can be provided in columns 1. Same format applies to special mutations which are used for plotting and problematic sites which are ignored during analysis.
$1 | Variants | AV.1;B.1.1.318 | List of Variants (seperated by ";") |
$2 | Chromosom | NC_045512.2 | Chromosome name |
$3 | Postion | 21990 | Chromosome position |
$4 | REF | TTTA | Reference base(s) |
$5 | ALT | T | Alternative base(s) |
$6 | Gene | S | Gene |
$7 | Sensitivities | 1;0.87;0.96 | Sensitivity in each of the variants |
$8 | AA | S:Y144del | Mutation in AA nomenclature |
$9 | NUC | TTTA21990T | Mutation in nucc nomenclature |
Table holding the deduced variant frequencies.
Table holding the observed allele frequencies and the deduced variant frequencies.
Table holding the observed allele frequencies and the allels specified in special mutation file.
List of all plots produced.
Timecourse plots and map represention of results, to be included in a report.
The following R packages must be pre-installed:
- tidyr
- ggplot2
- reshape2
- dplyr
- data.table
- gamlss
- ggmap
- tmaptools
- ggrepel
- scales
- betareg
- ggspatial
- sf
- rnaturalearth
- rnaturalearthdata
- optparse
- stringr
For convenience a Rscupt for package installation is provided (Rscript R_package_dependency_install.r)