
ERP / CRM Open Source (Invoice / Inventory / Accounting / HR) ERP CRM Based on Node js / React js alternative to salesforce https://www.idurarapp.com

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ERP / CRM Open Source based on (Node.js/React.js)

IDURAR is Open Source ERP / CRM (Invoice / Inventory / Accounting / HR) Based on Advanced Mern Stack (Node.js / Express.js / MongoDb / React.js ) with Ant Design (AntD) and Redux

Dont forget to give a ⭐️ to this project ... Happy coding! 🤩

Open Source ERP / CRM - MERN Stack (Node.js/React.js) Open Source ERP / CRM - MERN Stack (Node.js/React.js)

Open Source ERP / CRM App

IDURAR is Open Source ERP / CRM (Invoice / Inventory / Accounting / HR) Based on Mern Stack (Node.js / Express.js / MongoDb / React.js ) with Ant Design (AntD) and Redux

Live App Demo : https://idurarapp.com/open-source-erp-crm/ "Please use chrome"

username : admin@demo.com password : admin123

Getting started

Step 1: Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/idurar/idurar-erp-crm.git
cd idurar-erp-crm

Step 2: Create Your MongoDB Account and Database/Cluster

  • Create your own MongoDB account by visiting the MongoDB website and signing up for a new account.

  • Create a new database or cluster by following the instructions provided in the MongoDB documentation. Remember to note down the "Connect to your application URI" for the database, as you will need it later. Also, make sure to change <password> with your own password

  • add your current IP address to the MongoDB database's IP whitelist to allow connections (this is needed whenever your ip changes)

Step 3: Create the Environment File

  • Create a file named .variables.env in the root directory.
  • Copy all variables from tmp.variables.env .
  • Paste the copied variables inside .variables.env. This file will store environment variables for the project to run.

Step 4: Update MongoDB URI

In the .variables.env file, find the line that reads:


Replace "your-mongodb-uri" with the actual URI of your MongoDB database.

Step 5: Install Backend Dependencies

In your terminal, navigate to the root directory of the project and run the following command to install the backend dependencies:

npm install

This command will install all the required packages specified in the package.json file.

Step 6: Run Setup Script

While still in the root directory of the project, execute the following command to run the setup script:

node setup/setup.js

This setup script may perform necessary database migrations or any other initialization tasks required for the project.

Step 7: Run the Backend Server

In the same terminal, run the following command to start the backend server:

npm run dev

This command will start the backend server, and it will listen for incoming requests.

Step 8: Install Frontend Dependencies

Open a new terminal window , and run the following command to install the frontend dependencies:

cd frontend
npm install

This command will navigate to the frontend directory within the project and install all the required packages for the frontend.

Step 9: Run the Frontend Server

After installing the frontend dependencies, run the following command in the same terminal to start the frontend server:

npm run start

This command will start the frontend server, and you'll be able to access the website on localhost:3000 in your web browser.

⚠️ If you encounter an OpenSSL error while running the frontend server, follow these additional steps:

export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
npm run start

Website Login Credentials

Once the website is up and running, you can log in using the following credentials:

username : admin@demo.com password : admin123

Now you should be all set to run the project locally on your machine and explore its features.

Show your support

Dont forget to give a ⭐️ to this project ... Happy coding!