
User-Interface (Browser) storage manager

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Interact with Browser Storages (localStore, sessionStore, ...) and NodeJS in-Memory with ease.

Environments in which to use UI-Store

  • Browser support
  • Node, and other non-browser environments.

npm version Rate on Openbase


I created this project out of frustration with the existing browser storage APIs and the limitation of mapping properly the stored data to be able to manipulate them adequately. UI-Store help developers to interact with available environment storages using a single API and also provides the ability to secure the stored data.


After building couple of Single Page Applications, I developed requirements and opinions about what a Browser storage should provide and how it should be implemented. The following is that list:

  • Set, Get, Clear data: Already the case with the native APIs.
  • Single and concise API to interact with all type of storage.
  • Support all Javascript Types of data: String, Number, JSON-object, Array, ... No need to stringify everything before to save, neither to parse data when retreived.
  • Select the right Storage depending the environment on behalf of the developer.
  • Secure data by encrypting them in the storage.
  • Save flash data: Temporary hold data and delete after retreived.
  • Map stored data by prefixing attributes/keys for grouping fetch and targeted flush delete.
  • In-memory support in NodeJS environment.


Install using npm:

$ npm install @fabrice8/ui-store

then import it into your code

const UIStore = require('@fabrice8/ui-store');

// or 

import uiStore from '@fabrice8/ui-store'; // ESM

Via HTML <script> tag with the CDN source:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fabrice8/ui-store@1.0.3/ui-store.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Or download ui-store.js or ui-store.min.js files from the repository into your project.

<script src="/ui-store.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


Create new instance of the UI-Store Object function.

const options = {
    prefix: 'my_',
    storage: 'in-memory',
    encrypt: true,
    // ...

const uistore = new UIStore( options );


  • prefix: String Prefix of attributes in the store. Important during flush data process.

  • storage: String Targeted storage: localStorage, sessionStorage, in-memory, ... Default: localStorage

  • encrypt: Boolean Define whether data should be encrypted before to be stored. Default: false

  • token: String Specify a unique token to use as salt to encrypt the data


set(attribute, data)

Insert data to the storage

const data = "hello";

uistore.set('greeting', data );


Retreive stored data. Return false when the attribute of data specify does not exist.

const data = uistore.get('greeting');

console.log( data ); // Hello

temp(attribute, data)

Insert temporary a data to the storage. The stored data get deleted when get() method called on that attribute. Useful for saving flash data.

const data = { foo: 'bar' };
uistore.temp('attr', data);

const data2 = uistore.get('attr');
console.log( data2 ); // { foo: 'bar' }

// Data stored calling `temp` method can only be `get` once
console.log( uistore.get('attr') ); // undefined

update(attribute, data, [action])

Update stored. This method is useful the most to make changes on Array or Object data without re-writing the whole set like we normally do with the conventional browser storage APIs. It accepts three arguments, the attribute, data, and action (Optional)

  • When the stored data is an array, use the action argument to specify what to do: push, shift, pop ...
  • When the stored data is an Object, the only use of the action argument is to delete a field. If action argument is not set, data will be merge with the existing stored object so it must also be an object. Note: Specify array of fields (data argument) to delete multiple fields of as store data Object.

Return false if the update failed

Example with Array Data

const data = [ 'foo' ];
uistore.set('attr', data);

// Example with Array Data
uistore.update('attr', 'bar', 'push') // add new value to the Array
console.log( uistore.get('attr') ) // [ 'foo', 'bar' ]

Example with Object Data

const data = { foo: 'bar' };
uistore.set('attr', data );

const data1 = { bar: 'foo' }
uistore.update('attr', data1) // The new object will be merge with the existing stored data
console.log( uistore.get('attr') ) // { foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo' }

// Update by deleting object field: The second argument c
uistore.update('attr', 'foo', 'delete');
console.log( uistore.get('attr') ); // { bar: 'foo' } : the `foo` field is deleted


Clear single or multiple store set.

// Clear single set

// Clear multiple set
uistore.clear([ 'greeting', 'attr' ]);


Clear all stored set with the attribute prefix specify in the options. Most important use case of the prefix


Additional feature

Sometimes, when using a View rendering engine like handlebars, twig, ... for instance, the injected scope data, instead of being hold in a global variable, can be immediately stored in one of the browser storage once the DOM get loaded. The use cases may not seem obvious, but here is an example:

    <!-- UserData is injected: Eg. Using handlebar view engine -->
    <div data-store="profile" data-store-type="set" data-store-value="{{ UserData }}">

    <script src="/ui-store.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var uistore = new UIStore()

        // Display the content of `UserData` injected
        console.log( uistore.get('profile') )

These HTML tag attributes can be use anywhere in the document to trigger this feature.

  • data-store Specify the attribute of the store

  • data-store-type Specify the method to use for storing the data. Only set, temp, update can be use for now.

  • data-store-value Payload of the data to store (Must be a String)


    The various HTML tag attributes must be set before the UIStore object get instanciated, before it works

That's it!

Feedback & Contribution

You know the say: No one is whole alone! So, feedbacks and the smallest contributions you can think of are all welcome. Kindly report any encounted Issues here and I'll be glad to work on it right away. Thank you.


This software is free to use under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for license text and copyright information.