
This project is a Software to manage iBeacon chronometers (Frontend + Backend + Client)

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status codecov GitHub actions workflow Dependabot Status


Purpose of the project

This project is the backend part of the Software: the REST API that sits on a server receiving calls from two types of clients:

  • Chronometers that sends the pings to compute the lap times
  • End users that consult the lap times or Administrators


The backend part is based on Quarkus that receives API calls implemented with Jax-RS. Persistence is implemented with Hibernate and JPA. The testing part of the project is based on JUnits (very few), QuarkusTest and Python end to end tests that simulate real activity.


  • Java 11
  • Maven 3.6

How to build

How to build locally

mvn clean verify

CI Build

The CI is done thanks to GitHub actions and runs the following:

  • Server tests
    • JUnits
    • Quarkus Integration tests
    • A docker image is built with the Python Integration Tests integrated and pushed to dockerhub along with the server itself
    • Code coverage for sever side code is gathered
    • A staging environment is started on a private Kubernetes cluster
    • Python integration tests are ran against this staging environment
  • Client tests
    • When the staging environment is loaded, the client is started in demo mode which simulates random Bluetooth reception
    • Auto update of the client is tested
    • Test coverage is gathered and sent to codecov
  • Releasing
    • Version is bumped automatically. Add #major or #patch in your commit tags if you want to bump the corresponding number. By default, the minor is bumped.
    • Repository is tagged for each version
    • All changes are gathered in a ChangeLog and GH releases are used
    • Builds of the master branch are directly loaded on the Production environment

How to run

There are three profiles. See in src/main/resources/application.properties.

How to run locally with dev profile

mvn quarkus:dev

Note: you can connect your IDE for debugging on port 5005.

How to run locally with localmariadb profile

First: kubectl port-forward -n teknichrono $(kubectl get pod -n teknichrono -l app=mysql -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') 3306:3306 kubectl port-forward -n teknichrono service/mysql-service 3306:3306 then mvn -Dquarkus.datasource.password=xxx quarkus:dev -Dquarkus-profile=localmariadb or java -Dquarkus.datasource.password=xxx -Dquarkus-profile=localmariadb -jar target/teknichrono-runner.jar

How to test


mvn clean test


mvn clean verify

End to End

Run the E2E tests : ./src/test/scripts/bash/moto_tests.sh (or any bash script in this folder)

Interact with Raspberry

See the client documentation


TODO List of the REST API services here

For the time being, you can have a look in: src/main/java/org/trd/app/teknichrono/rest

Interesting pointers

Quarkus migration todo list

Outdated section

OpenShift support has been discarded for Kubernetes plain commands. In case it is needed, here were the commands for OpenShift:

How to build via OpenShift

oc new-build --binary --name teknichrono-quarkus --to='teknichrono-quarkus:local'
oc patch bc/teknichrono-quarkus -p "{\"spec\":{\"strategy\":{\"dockerStrategy\":{\"dockerfilePath\":\"src/main/docker/Dockerfile\"}}}}"
oc start-build teknichrono-quarkus --from-dir=. --follow

Port forward with OpenShift

oc port-forward mariadb-3-qgvwj 3306:3306

CI Build and Kubernetes build images

The project relies on the Kubernetes plugin to run its CI in Jenkins. The podTemplate referenced here has the following settings:

  podTemplate(label:label , cloud: 'openshift', serviceAccount:'jenkins', containers: [	
    containerTemplate(name: 'maven', image: 'maven:3.6-jdk-8-alpine',	ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat'),	
    containerTemplate(name: 'python', image: 'docker.io/python:3.6-slim',	ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat')]) {

I did not provide the configuration inline because, I integrated a Nexus proxy to speed up the builds in my case. It requires providing a custom build image in order to customize the settings.xml .

How to run on OpenShift

oc new-app --image-stream=teknichrono-quarkus:local
oc expose service teknichrono-quarkus --name=teknichrono-quarkus-route --port=8080 --hostname=teknichrono-quarkus.h-y.fr

How to re-generate scaffhold:

  • Delete src/main/webapp
  • In Ecipse run Forge (Command + ' or Ctrl + 4) with default settings and AngularJS